Dr Fanta

Kobina Amoah Dr. Eduafo (fanta) has been my Good old friend and brother from our teenage days. He attended Swedru Secondary school and l St.Augustine’s College Cape coast. We normally hangout every holidays. He has always been a Good person and well behaved. He is straight forward person and never minded his words. We have been close since the 1970’s to date. Fortune we live close by in Accra and get to meet whenever he is in Ghana. As he Mark’s his 65th Birthday. I wish himwell and l know that his excellent works will pay off because you have served humanity well. Dr Fanta as l always call you. God bless you more and grant you a long healthy life with joy and strength. Adwoa Eduah’s children, Mankessim Grandpa,you are the rare jewel in our family! There is no one more devoted to providing love, hope, and comfort to all of us! May the Lord extend his mercies and glory to you..May this day bring joy and happiness as you deserve ...God bless you. Happy birthday fantastic hero. Uncle Prince Fanta was my year mate(1979/80) at the University of Ghana Legon,Accra. We lost contact when I completed my course in 1982. Doc, then had to do a few more years of study at the Medical school at Korle Bu. As if by design I bounced into Dr.Tilly Duncan at an African Market when I relocated from New York to Colombus,Ohio in the year 1999. Tilly linked the two of us once again. Ever since there developed a very strong bond between us. Fanta is both a brother and a friend to me. Dr. Augustus Eduafo is one person who shows concern and he is always ready to help anyone should the need arise. He is highly respectfully and sociable. Doc,is a unifier; he has a a unifying spirit. He is always filled with great love for all. The good Lord should grant to you long life, good health and strength. The Lord should continue to protect, guide, direct and bless you. Continue to be a blessing to your family and mankind in general. Stay blessed. Acquaye/Gye-Nyame Family A BONDDEEPER THANMERE FRIENDSHIP To begin with, we happen to get associated with Prof Augustus Abeiku Eduafo (populaly known as Dr Fanta) when he was at medical school in Ghana. Despite the fact that we are distant family through marriage, we still hail from the same suburb, Ahenebrom in Mankessim. Dr Fanta and Prof Samuel Ebo Quanoo were both instrumental inmymarriage tomywifeMrsGiftyGardinerAcquaye. He has been very concern about my marriage to the extent that at early stage of my marriage when I was having problems with child birth, he took it upon himself to resolve it by recommending specialist medical professionals (Now I have 4 wonderful children) Dr Fanta has been also concern about my children education in general, most particularly my first child Mrs Araba Akwaaba Acquaye -Adenyoh who is also pursuing her PhD in Malaysia and even sometimes support her financially which is very appreciated. When it comes to social life, Dr Fanta also pushes me to be more open to fun activities most especially football/soccer. Locally, we both support the same club, Accra Hearts of Oaks, but we’re divided on international soccer/football. He being a diehard fan of Manchester United where as I am a Chelsea fan. In a bid to mock me when my club loses a match, he will sometimes buy me a Chelsea jersey as a gift to just remind me of my loss. He being a medical professional, is always concerned about health of his friends, particularly me. Just recently he persuaded me to go for a thorough check up and recommended a specialist. Thought which a certain medical conditions was detected and had to go for a surgery. And today I can say I’m fit and strong all thanks to Dr Fanta He has been my confidant and special advisor ever since we’ve been together. I discuss practically everything with him despite the age difference He is more humane, humble, more simple and yet more thoughtful person. Despite his status, he is also down to earth personality and has managed to maintain his good principles towards humanity. These gestures has gained him respect from all walks of life and those that get in contact with him. A very happy birthday from all the indigenes of Mankessim A very happy birthday to Prof Augustus Eduafo from the entire staff and teamof GYE-NYAMEGROUP. WELOVE YOU 51 The Birthday Journal