Dr Fanta

FredWireko Our Dear FANTASTIC Dr Eduafo...We rejoice with you on your significant birthday celebration. We marvel at what the Master has woven together to form this gorgeous tapestry of your life… making all things beautiful in His time. Life circumstances would not permit us to be present in person at this grand event.We are honored to join in the ending chorus of HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May God make the ensuing years more glorious!! Dr. Fred &Mrs. BelindaWireko Kofi Gyebi When I was around 13 or 14 Doc and Tina (God Bless her soul) took me in to stay in their home to not disrupt my educational environment when faced with prospects of leaving. There is this unspoken rule of paying it forward in our Ghanaian culture by having a relative come to stay with you to better their future. There’s no promise of gratitude or recognition for this sacrifice of taking someone in. There is no blood relation, our familiesweren’t friends inGhana, andas a matter of fact they didn’t know one another. As I write this, my daughter Abena turned one week old and she lives in a comfortable home with loving parents. The one question that comes tomind is where would I be had it not been for him and his family stepping in at the last minute to take me in? Too often we wait until people pass to share these messages of gratitude. He taught me how to cut food, would rush home when I was locked out, and paid a big bill to feed me when I was a growing boy. Our legacy is cemented and extended each day God gives us on this earth. The most important dates are the day you’re born and the day you leave this earth. What we choose to do between those two dates contributes to our legacy. You chose a career to help others and with hard work, you became a renowned nephrologist. Maybe more important you’ve served as a counselor, father figure, confidant, father, and leader for countless people that have crossed your path. Your energy, accent, conspicuous voice, fashion, and love for all things good have left smiles in all of our hearts. “In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” -Albert Schweitzer May we all have a chance encounter with someone like Doctor Eduafo-Cheers! Ruth Baah Kankam I met Prof Eduafo on March 17th, 2017, during Swesco’s speech and prize day. After I shared my story of how I struggled to make it through my undergrad and still graduated with a first-class, He told me, “I see great potential in you, and I will assist you to achieve your goals.” Prof introduced me to many people, including Mr Tweneboah Kodua, who has also been very instrumental in my journey. After unsuccessful attempts to get a job inGhana, Prof advised that Iwrite the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) to get into anMBA program in the United States. Hisunwaveringbelief inmypotential, coupledwithhis financial support and counsel, proved instrumental in helping me write my GMAT to secure admission into an Ivy League MBA at Cornell. To my mentor and one of the father figures in my life, Prof Eduafo, I cannot thank you enough. Your contributions have enabledme to achievemy personal goals, inspiring generations to believe that their dreams are achievable no matter their background. I wish you a happy birthday filled with good health, more dancing, and God’s unmerited favor. Continue to inspire and touch the lives of those around you. With love and appreciation. Rev. Frida Coleman, (Switzerland) Dear Dr Augustus, HAPPY, BLESSEDBIRTHDAY! What a great pleasure and blessing it was meeting you in 2018 at your wedding in Houston. You are a real gentleman and have such a natural way of making people around you feel at ease. Your humility, kind, generous, friendly, and joyous personality is a blessing to behold. I wish you God’s best. May the Hand of the Lord rest upon you continually and lift you unto higher heights. May His mercies that never fails, locate you always. The Lord should cause you to walk under continuous openHeavens, and overwhelm you with His goodness. May He bless and satisfy you with long life to enjoy your great grandchildren. Peace, goodwill, divine health and total well-being be your portion all the days of your life. God bless you. 48 The Birthday Journal