Dr Fanta

Ransford Annan, Transition Specialist, New York City Board of Education (Retired; Resident in Georgia) My path crossed with that of Dr Abeeku Eduafo, popularly known as Fanta before the 1972 coup in Ghana that ousted Dr Kofi Abrefa Busia. In that same year, Dr Eduafo entered Swedru Secondary School. I had made friends with Dr Ebow Quainoo who was a good friend of Fanta and so the three of us automatically were woven into a triangle of good childhood friendship. We bonded well. However, the journey and struggles in our lives at Mankessim and beyond had just started as we made the various transitions into Secondary School. In those transitional years, we took our chances, risked our lives, made our mistakes, and embarked on countless adventures as we grew up. Dr.AbeekuEduafo(Fanta), is funtobewith.Whenever his school and mine had soccer competitions, especially in my school, he comes to see me before the start of the game, and we roam the “Appian Way” to the GIRL’S Section to greet a female friend of ours. Fanta loves rice and corned beef stew, and he always gets treated to a meal before or after the game. We have shared that bond till today. This man Fanta or Dr Eduafo is a huge philanthropist, I have seen him help the less privileged by organizing a reunion of classmates and other friends, just to eat, talk, dance, and share life experiences and also making huge sacrifices in creating jobs and providing accommodations for some. He had given speeches on HEALTH and WELLNESS issues during our school reunions. He had made donations to the school and had a good relationship with most of the old folks. We appreciate his immense contributions to the school and to the people. I alsomade it to theUSAandmet FANTA in residency at Cornell, New York, until he moved to Dayton, Ohio, and he has been there until now with his loving children and wife, Lady Jay. Great achievement Dr Eduafo, I saw the determination to also achieve in your personality and brilliance. In my own small way, I did the needful. Thank you for setting the standards. Fanta! Thank you again for being there, and Lady Jay, you are just amazing in precision, your craft in terms of an organization is jaw-dropping. Happy Birthday, Dr Augustus Eduafo! Ernest Asamoah Friend, Brother and Difference Maker It’s not often that one gets to celebrate loved ones so Rose & I are delighted to celebrate the beautiful life of a friend and brother. In life’s journey, we cross paths with many people who impact our lives differently. Some for good and others not so good but few leave such a lasting impression on your life. Augustine Eduafo (affectionately known as FANTA for fantastic) is one of those that makes an impact and leaves a good lasting impression on others. I have known Augustine since our days in medical school. He was 3 years ahead of me and in those days, your senior was not your friend but was to be “respected” and “feared”. Fanta though was different. He reached out to his juniors, and I was a beneficiary of that. He genuinely cared for me and will often have me visit his room just to share ameal, laugh and enjoy each other’s company. Fanta has always had a generous and giving heart and at a point even chose to practice medicine in Saltpond to help his native hometown. Even though he has been practicing the USA for many years now, his philanthropic heart has always been displayed through his financial and material contributions to various causes in Ghana. He has often teamed up with colleagues to help needy families or sick patients receive the needed medical care. Some of us were blessed to be involved in these ventures. For my wife & I thought, Fanta’s warm friendship is what we treasure most. One day he called my home to talk to me (that was before cell phones became part of our lives) but I was not home and my wife answered the phone. Even though they had not met before, he engaged her in the conversation for over an hour and my wife fondly remembers that. That is Fanta for you. He doesn’t know a stranger and welcomes him with open arms. Fanta loves a good party and it’s always FUN to be around him. In today’s world where stress is at an all-time high and relationships are sometimes superficial, everyone needs a Fanta to bring joy and laughter and to make the world a better place. We will always treasure your friendship, dearest Fanta and will look forward to many more celebrations to come! Our best wishes to you and your family! We honor and love you and pray you to continue to enjoy ALL of God’s best today and always! Happy 65th birthday to you!!! 47 The Birthday Journal