Dr Fanta

Happy Birthday Dr.Fanta Dr Nick Fiavey It iswithgreat pleasure andadmiration that I write these few lines for my good friend and class mate, Prof. Augustus Abeiku Eduafo, popularly called Fanta(tisc), or The Styke/Staic, on his well deserved six decades and 5 year’s celebration on this earth. He fully deserves it, and Mrs. Jennifer Eduafo and his kids should be commended for this great celebration. It has been full of hard work, dedication and service to mankind. In fact, his many awards from his Professional Practice in Dayton, OH and his many voluntary trips to Ghana as Visiting Professor at the University of Ghana Medical School and Cape Coast University School of Medicine are living testimonies to his overall achievements. I believe among our Medical School classmates, I am the only one who spent more contact time with him in another University Program, during our Residency Training days in the early 1990’s at the State University of New York Health Sciences Center Program in Brooklyn, NY. Our two families were close at the time for several years until he moved his family fromNY to Dayton, Ohio. Fanta is one classmate who has not changed much physically and in character since we entered the University of Ghana Medical School in October 1979. I was lucky enough to be allocated Commonwealth Hall like him. From the outset, he distinguished himself very quickly even though he was the only one from his School. He made friends even quicker than those of us who came from Schools with classmates. So fast that he suddenly became very popular not only in our class but the whole Hall andMedical School. Everybody calls him Fanta! Evenas abusyMedical Student, he found time toparticipate in such extra curricular activities like the Vandal’s Choir ( Fun Singing, DancingGroup) with another great classmate, the late Dr. Fred Sai (Do the Doo), and Dr. Kofi Adu ( Kofi) and others. For me as a mate and Hall colleague, he was one of many of our Medical School classmates who made the class lively and our rather busy and stressful course less boring. He even found time to participate in sports. Dr. Eduafowas so confident that he could guarantee you he will throw your egg against the wall without breaking it! I never recalled seeing him angry against a colleague or friend for several days. He was such a joy to be with. He loved dressing, even from his humble beginning days! If you hate Fanta, then you either do not have a heart or you are damn jealous. He is very kind and straight forward; no ifs or buts! If it is red, it is red with Fanta. He shares things easily with others and never hides things. He is such a TeamPlayer that he is loved by classmates, colleagues, friends and Staff. He is one of the main lights of our Year Group, Class of 1986. The Group is livelier and more interesting with Fanta around. He is a very great Dancer as well. I hope he takes the floor with his lovely wife and kids. On a personal level, we shared a lot of pain and suffering together right from our Medical School days. From anxiously waiting during our stressful Viva/ Oral Exams ( I was always behind him after Dr. Edzii De Veer) to our adjustment in a completely new Country in our early 30’s to the loss of his dear first wife Tina. He is particularly very proud of his hometown, Mankessim and his Alma mater, Swedru Secondary School. If I have my own way, I shall create a Fanta Patriotic Score, rating how much one loves his home town or school; his Fanta score will be 99%( 100 is the maximum). Sometimes, I feel according to the Fanta gospel, there is only one great Secondary School and only one great town in Ghana! It has been an honor to knowDr. Augustus Eduafo all these 44 or so years. Join me in wishing him a Happy, happy 65th birthday and God’s abundant blessings for the next and consequent Milestones in his life. John and Ivy Ekem and Family Fanta, we love you! You are funny, loving, caring, thoughtful and the toast of any gathering. We wish you and your loved ones God’s manifold blessings as you go through the years ahead. Congratulations on attaining your 65th Birthday! KofiMensah-Frimpong,Massachusetts. Turning 65 is great! Especially when it’s someone special like you. You have made the most of each year and made such a positive difference for a lot of people. I wish you the best birthday. Mrs. Veronica TwittehMartey, née Forson Happy birthday to you my dear brother. May the Almighty God give you long life and wisdom. May God protect and bless you abundantly. Amen Letcia Twitteh, Lydia Tsotsoo Owusu Safo and Diana Twitteh Happy Birthday to our dearest Uncle. May God bless you on your birthday and always. 44 The Birthday Journal