Dr Fanta

I am grateful for the life I have lived. I know now that everything that happened to me, happened for a reason, and has shaped me to be who I am today. The adversity, and challenges all add up to who I am now, so I wouldn’t change anything about my life script. Our children are doing great. The happiest day of my life was when our granddaughter was born. I must say that Jennifer has shown nothing but great mothering qualities, by always putting all our children first. She is always present and involved in all the important milestones in their lives. From all their graduations to our oldest daughter’s wedding, Jennifer was always there. Jennifer was supportive through Augusta’s pregnancy, her baby shower, and was present during our grandchild’s delivery. Actually, she does more than is expected, for someone her age, and constantly surprises me with how seriously she takes on the role of loving grandmother. In fact, she did not hesitate to stay back to help Augusta settle into her new role as a first-time mother. Also, Jennifer helped Velma move into medical school, and is involved in Christa’s well-being. Her love and attention for Justin is just amazing, and my super cool Adrian, whom I have grown to love dearly, has adjusted very well to our new family. I surely won the lottery because my genuine fears of my children being robbed of the motherly love and attention after Tina’s departure, has been laid to rest. In all, marriage has been great; both my first and second marriages. No regret at all! IbelievedinGodatatimebutwavered when I lost my first wife, Tina. But my faith in God was restored when I met Jennifer. God is everything, He has been the centerpiece of my life. Final Thoughts 41 The Birthday Journal