Dr Fanta

My passion is to make people happy, and to use my knowledge and God given talent to heal people. Wherever I go, I want to leave that place in a much better state than when I met it. I am more intent on imparting knowledge to the younger ones, so that they can give back to society, because that’s what some good professors did for me. I would use this opportunity to thank two professors who really made an impact on my life: the first being Prof. Martey-Korley, a Kidney Specialist in Ghana. It was because of him that I became a Kidney Specialist. Actually, he was the same person who gave me a recommendation, when I was coming to the U.S. The second person was the Chief of Nephrology at Cornell University, Dr. Manikkam Suthanthiram. He mentored me. It was he who asked me to stay and specialize in kidney transplantation. I intend to ensure that anyone who passes through my hands would be the finest doctor they can ever be. As a result of this, I have three principles that I always impart on my mentees; firstly, don’t cut corners. Secondly, no patient is Giving Back 38 The Birthday Journal