Dr Fanta

It’s funny how life can throw you a curveball when you least expect it. I never thought I would find love again after losing the love of my life to cancer. But fate had other plans in store for me. In 2013, I was looking to buy a property in Ghana, and that was howImetmysecondwife,Jennifer. She was the realtor for one of the properties I was interested in. There was just something about her that I couldn’t shake off even after the transaction was done. So, after a year, I decided to take a chance and called her up again, this time not as a potential buyer, but as someone interested in her. I sentheranemail askingher tocall me, which she did in devastation, thinking there was something wrong with the property she sold me. However, I dropped a bombshell onher - Iwas interested in a relationship. But you see, my Facebook profile still showed that I was married, and I had to clear the air. I told her that my wife had passed away to cancer. And then came the kicker - she wasn’t interested in a relationship with me because she thought I needed time to heal. So, she asked me to call her when that time came. And you know what I did? I called her back after fifteen minutes and told her I had healed. I mean, who does that? Apparently, I do. Icontinuedtopursueher,charming her withmy wit and humor. I knew that I had to be patient and take things slow. Jennifer was different. She understood my situation and was patient with me. We started dating and soon found ourselves falling in love. After two years of dating, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. So, I decided to pop the question. I remember the day vividly; it was a beautiful day Light at the End of the Tunnel at the beach in Puerto Rico, I told her I was ready to marry her, and we got married in 2017. Our marriage has been excellent. Jennifer brought a spark into my life once more. She was very understanding of my situation, and she helped me heal in ways that I didn’t think were possible. She restored my faith in God and brought me a new upliftment. She gave me a new perspective on life. And she fitted the slot of wife and mother perfectly, bringing a lot on board. Jennifer is very stylish, prayerful, welltraveled, hardworking, caring, loyal, honest, confident, a disciplinarian, strong willed that is sometimes very intimidating to others. She is fun and funny. Her passion to help the needy and poor is priceless. Very compassionate and goes above and beyond. One thing you certainly don’t want is to get on her bad side. We both love soccer, reading and watching movies. To Jennifer, I have been a good husband; I teaseher, eat all the foodshe makes for me, try to find time to speak to her during the day, evenwhen I have averybusyschedule.Most importantly I always discuss everything I do with her. It is very rare for me to say “no” to her when she asks for something, although I refuse sometimes. Of course, as a blended family, we’ve had our share of challenges, but we got through it, andwe’re stronger for it. 28 The Birthday Journal