Dr Fanta

Swedru Secondary School (Swesco) was one of the best things that happened to me. It is interesting, because I never wanted to attend a co-ed school. It was my father’s choice. At that time, I thought Swesco was like Mfanstipim or Adisadel College, and so when I first got there and saw this slim girl in a checked house dress, I wanted to cry. However, not only did I discover that it was a great institution, but I made such good friends, many of whom I still keep in touch with, up till today. Whilst in secondary school. I was very active, both academically and socially. I was part of many clubs including the Student Christian Movement, the Debating Society, the Science Society, and the Math Society. I started the school’s Red Cross Club and was the Team Manager of the soccer team. Boarding house was a great eye opener, there was so much to learn; like how to use the cutlery set, etc. Actually, I first sat at a dining table in boarding school; at home, we sat and ate anywhere we liked. I studied very hard in secondary school, buoyed on by an iron clad determination tobecome amedical doctor, to keep the promise I had made to myself after my dad died. It was easy to say that I wanted to become a medical doctor, but it was another thing imagining that someone like me, from such a poor and deprived background, could ever become one. In my mind, it was reserved for a select few, and I knew that if I was to succeed, I would have to scale a very high and almost impossible hurdle. It scared me somewhat. However, that notion was completely erased when in 1975, an old student, Dr. William Ankobiah, the first one in the history of our school, to bag all ones in his O’ Levels, came to give us a speech. Knowing that he was in medical school, my friends and I rushed to see such a person, expecting to be overwhelmed by him, by his personality, but when I saw him, he was a regular person! Yes. He was just likeme! It blewmy mind, especially when he said to us that we could all achieve our aims if we studied really hard. That was such motivation. It made me aware that my goal was attainable. The Influence of aMentor 12 The Birthday Journal