Joyce Dr. Suu, as I prefer to call her, aka the Lady in Red, is the epitome of an all-rounder - academically, careerwise, socially, and on the home front. Sometimes I stop to ask myself, how does this combination of brains and beauty juggle all these roles seamlessly? I think I want to be like you when I grow up. Life at 50 should just be the starting point of the second half of your life. May you continue to impact lives as you go along in the marketplace of life. Congratulations & cheers to your golden jubilee. Welcome to the 5th floor! Dela Blessed Birthday, Aku B. May the hand of the Almighty continue to move in your life. May He also continue to shower you with loads of blessings, guidance, and good health. Kenzy As the years roll by, and it might seem that time is running ahead of you, but you look around and then you notice it was by your side all this while. Because the one who holds the handle of the clock is the one that holds you in His arms, to fashion you into a beautiful soul whose radiance bathes a glow on all who are privileged to step into that beam. You’re stepping onto the fifth floor, where life takes a new form of excitement and the rollercoaster ride is one that should leave a sheepish grin permanently planted on your face, not in agony but in joyous glee. Welcome to Level 5 and have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Aku B, blessed birthday to you. It’s always fun to be around you. I wasn’t surprised to meet you on Awesome because of our peculiar connection. The Lord has been gracious indeed, and we join you in expressing our gratitude. Your thoughtfulness is admirable - always touching base with every Awesomemember to ensure we are doing well. As you attain this milestone, I want you to know you are appreciated. Keep being yourself. God bless this new chapter of your life. May He hear and answer you when you call Him. Cheers to Awesome memories. Cheers to red lipsticks and sipping Prosecco. Cheers to life. Let’s continue loving and supporting each other. I love you, girl. Abla Andrew Kwao Wishing you a milestone as you journey into your great 50s. There couldn’t be a greater mentor than you. It’s a special moment; though time marks 50, to us, you’re just starting. I appreciate your impactful tutoring; even if not always sweet, they were life lessons. Today, I celebrate you for opening doors and hope to see you continue to make an impact. Happy birthday, Boss Lady 1. Rhoda Dede Kwao Dear Doc Suzi Wishing you a joyful 50th birthday! This day marks a significant milestone, and I want to celebrate the impact you’ve had on many, including myself. Your guidance, wisdom, and support are invaluable. I’m thankful for the encouragement and lessons you’ve shared. Your leadership shaped my career and personal growth. May you feel appreciated and loved today. Keep inspiring and motivating others. May this year bring joy, health, and new adventures. Happy birthday, and thanks for being an outstanding mentor and role model. It’s an honor to know you. 56 The Birthday Journal