Dorothy Dearest Aku B! Humble, kind, down-to-earth, stylish, youthful at heart, spirited, and contagiously enthusiastic! I’m glad God added you to the world’s population in my lifetime because you are one of a kind. You have been a corporate bestie extraordinaire, compassionate big-sister counselor, and a mischievous partner-in-crime. I appreciate the countless moments we’ve shared… from the laughter-filled adventures that would make even James Bond envious, to spontaneous outings, and heartfelt conversations. These have been enriching. Today, I raise a joyful toast to you as we celebrate this incredible milestone — your 50th! May the next chapter of your jubilee be filled with abundant joy & laughter, wisdom, bounteous blessings, and infinite open doors. Live and love life with enthusiasm as always, cherish every moment, whether it be a mountaintop or a valley, but more importantly, love God the most! Prioritize Him above all. AllowHis light and truth to illuminate your path and may you always be enveloped in His love and protection. Never forget that God’s plans for your life are to prosper you, to give you hope, and to lead you into a bright future (Jeremiah 29:11). Live a long and fulfilling life, my dear! Flourish! And enjoy excellent health, in Jesus’ Name. Amen! Annabel Dear Akpene, When it comes to you, I believe the statement that true friends are like diamonds—bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style. Happy birthday, my dear friend. May the bright colors you’ve chosen to celebrate with paint your life, and may you be happy forever. May the gold in this jubilee remind you of your value in the Lord’s sight. Stay blessed. Dearest Suzy, to say God bless you will be an understatement, as you are already blessed beyond measure You are a friend and a sister, I love you because you are genuine, real to the core, and have no time to beat about the bush. You are a friend and a sister in all seasons. I am so proud of you, my darling, keep soaring. May the Good Lord continue to order your steps and fulfill your purpose to the ultimate dimension in Jesus’ Name Shalom I Love you, Liz Glorious Golden Jubilee Darling Suzy, I thank God for the gift of life and your new age. Your strength is inspiring, and I pray that your new age is filled with joy, great health, and prosperity. As you continue to bring smiles to our faces, may all your wishes and heart’s desires come true. Looking forward to celebrating many more birthdays together. Happy birthday, my dear friend. Elizabeth Odame Belinda Dede Tandoh Afrakomah Suzy, I'll never forget that day in Texas when we went shopping together. I hesitated to buy those 4-inch high heels, unsure if I could handle them. But your fearless spirit and support pushed me out of my comfort zone. Your encouragement, motivation, and positivity have been a lifeline for me. As you mark your 50th birthday, I wish you even bigger dreams to chase. May the next chapter of your life be filled with boundless joy and success. 53 The Birthday Journal