for wealth creation and management, I developed this new model, where I hold informal but educational training sessions for entire families. This was my second class since I started. This model involves meeting with interested families over a day, in their home, or location of their choice. Everybody in their family; husband, wife, children, cousins, inlaws, are invited. These sessions serve as a platform for raising awareness, primarily aimed at educating people about wealth creation and management. I often delve into the topic of financial independence, particularly concerning women. I believe that my financial independence has been pivotal in shaping who I am in my marriage and enabling me to voice my thoughts. I owe a great deal of credit to Toastmasters, which has significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth, bolstering my confidence to the point where I can confidently address any audience. Witnessing the positive impact of these sessions on people’s lives fills me with delight. Current Pursuits and Future Goals Back inmy days atMawuli School, when I gathered friends and taught them, little did I realise I was honing a skill for the future. Today, teaching has become a big part of my life. I’man Associate and facilitator at the Ghana Institute of Securities and Investments, lecturing in foundation and professional-level wealth management programs. Additionally, I’m an adjunct lecturer at Central University, teaching Investment Management at the 300 level. Looking ahead, I don’t see myself fitting into a conventional 9-to-5 organisation. Instead, I envision being on multiple boards, overseeing significant projects and funds, and being the trusted advisor for discussions on wealth creation and management. For now, I aim to engage more, enjoy retreats and vacations with loved ones. My circle of friends is vast, a testament to what my mom used to say – they’re like the strands of my hair, too numerous to count. Dr. Suzy Aku Puplampu “ME” Time A place I find peace, self-love, and rejuvenation. A year this month, I had to spend 2 days away from home on a self-retreat to draw up my life plan for the next 10 years. I found this to be a difficult task but i had results. As observed, regular uninterrupted “me” time helps us to unplug and unwind. Find the time and get away, because ‘Me’ time works. #Suxy@50 46 The Birthday Journal