I decided to enhance my knowledge by returning to school, enrolling at Walden University in the United States for a Business Administration doctorate. During my DBA studies, I launched my own investment firm, OctaneSD, which performed well in its initial year. However, I initially owned OctaneSD alone, causing key person risk. To address this, I involved my husband but realised it created a husband-and-wife business risk. To manage this, we sought an independent shareholder and introduced an independent presence on the Board, creating a more stable structure. With around fourteen clients, things were going well until 2018’s Financial Sector cleanup hit us hard. Client funds were stuck due to institutions losing licences. In 2019, a chance emerged to merge resources with Dalex Capital, specialising in retail mutual funds while I focused on high-net-wealth individuals. The merger led to a name change from OctaneSD to OctaneDC. Just over three years later, the Financial Market faced fresh challenges: Debt exchange programs, uncertainty with the IMF, and more. The debt exchange program severely affected the capital markets where my clients’ funds were invested, leading to their funds getting stuck once more. Amid ongoing expenses and stricter regulations demanding stronger capital and market relevance, there was no sustainable business. Consequently, by the end of 2022, I had no option but to close down. 24 The Birthday Journal