Bonsu Magazine

endless conversations. The loss of my grandmother was a profound experience for me as it was my first encounter with the death of a close loved one. She passed away at the remarkable age of 94 or 95, and her death, though not entirely unexpected due to her age, was sudden because of her exceptional health. On Christmas evening, she had requested her oldest granddaughter to stay with her, and tragically, she passed away in the early hours of the morning, shortly after asking for a glass of water. This event served as a stark reminder of the fragility of life, even in the face of someone’s enduring health and longevity. Our dad was quite liberal, especially with us boys but he kept a closer eye on our sisters Osem, Gyamfuaa, Maame Ama Gyamfuaa, Vera, Maame Dufie, Nana Owusua and Nyarko. I began my educational journey at Shamrock Daycare before moving on to kindergarten and eventually the University Primary School at KNUST. 8 The Birthday Journal