Bonsu Magazine

Bendee Naa Bonsu has been a grassroots soul friend and schoolmate. He consistently upholds his royal family heritage along with core values, virtues, and deeds, despite being born in the USA and raised in the motherland, Ghana. Furthermore, I vividly recall my first encounter with alcohol, specifically MALIBU Rum, during Naa Bonsu’s farewell party to Germany. I mistakenly thought I was drinking a creamy condensed evaporated milk, which led to me getting extremely intoxicated as a first-timer. I ended up having a sleepover at Naa Bonsu’s residence in Gyinase, near the KUHIS campus. The next day, I had to walk fromGyinase to Bantama on foot due to the loss of my money while under the influence of alcohol. To this day, I’m still bewildered by whoever pickpocketed my money that night. Naa Bonsu, could you please help me with this? I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide any information on who might have stolen my money on that fateful night. Affectionately known as “MIRRORMIRROR” by his schoolmates in Ghana, Naa Bonsu remains a grassroots soul friend and schoolmate. He continues to hold his royal family heritage in high regard, along with core values, virtues, and deeds, despite being born in the USA and raised in the motherland, Ghana. Additionally, I fondly remember my first experience with alcohol, MALIBU Rum, during Naa Bonsu’s farewell party to Germany. I mistakenly believed I was drinking a milky cream akin to condensed evaporated milk, leading to my extreme intoxication as a first-timer. This memorable night ended with me having a sleepover at Naa Bonsu’s residence in Gyinase, near the KUHIS campus. The following day, I had to walk fromGyinase to Bantama on foot due to the loss of my money while under the influence of alcohol. To this day, I remain puzzled about the identity of the person who pickpocketed my money. Naa Bonsu, could you kindly assist me in resolving this mystery? I am immensely grateful and thankful for your help. May you continue to lead a simple, meaningful, and respectful life, as you have from childhood to eternity. May you also follow in your father’s footsteps by upholding the traditions of the Royal clan whenever your services are needed as the Kingmakers in the town of Gyinase, near Kumasi High School. Victor & Emelia One exceptional trait that we truly love about Bonsu is his remarkable skill in maintaining relationships. He possesses the unique ability to always be there when you need him, offering not just encouragement and friendly chats, but also a genuine helping hand. What sets him apart is his unwavering commitment to his relationships. He doesn’t just reach out on special occasions; he consistently invests time and effort in nurturing each connection, making every person feel truly important and valued. In today’s fastpaced world, Bonsu’s dedication to fostering and sustaining relationships is truly heartwarming. His capacity to create profound bonds and be a dependable friend is something we deeply respect and hold dear. One of our fondest memories with Bonsu took place during a trip to Ghana. We embarked on an adventure to the picturesque LouMoon resort and explored a stilt village called Nzulezu, offering a unique and culturally enriching experience. Our journey continued as we visited the historically significant Cape Coast and Axim castles, bearing witness to their pivotal role in Ghana’s history and the transatlantic slave trade. This trip not only strengthened our friendship but also forged unforgettable memories for both of our families. As we look ahead to the next decade, our wish for Bonsu is a life overflowing with boundless joy, unwavering health, and an abundance of opportunities. May he continue to evolve, explore new horizons, and realize his dreams, all while being enveloped in the love and support of his cherished family and friends. May each passing year surpass the last, and may he discover happiness in the little moments that truly make life extraordinary. Here’s to a decade filled with fulfillment, adventures, and unforgettable experiences for Bonsu!