Bonsu Magazine

“Make good choices,” before we leave the house. Eli: Thank you, Sir! You make learning fun, even with push-ups! You’re not just a leader in the military sense. You’re our leader too, and we’re so proud of you. Liam: Yes Sir, we’ve always looked up to you. And congratulations on getting that job at Microsoft. It’s amazing! Nolan: (grinning) Absolutely, Sir. We love how you’ve always supported us in school and in sports, no matter what. It means the world to us. I want to be a leader, not a follower! Your guidance inspires us, Dad. Bonsu: Boys, remember what I always say? “No one remembers the one who came in second. They always remember the one who won the race. Who is the vice president? Aaaam Aaaam!!! You see, no one remembers the number two. Your goal in life should always be number one.” So, keep aiming high, my boy, and strive to be the best you can be. Eli: Speaking of best…Some of my best memories are the times we spent traveling through different countries in Europe. Those adventures were unforgettable, and I’m glad we could share those experiences as a family. Thank you, Dad for always being there for us…at our births, our first communions, confirmations, recitals, games, and practices, and making sure to visit each of our rooms every single night to wish us good night. Bonsu: ( feeling touched) Thank you, boys. You all mean everything to me. And you know what? Remember, leadership, teamwork, and integrity are super skills that will help you throughout life’s adventures. Now, who’s up for round two of push-ups, or shall we do planks? 43 The Birthday Journal