Bonsu Magazine

Liam: (nodding) Got it! Teamwork next? Bonsu: You got it, Liam! Teamwork is when everyone in your squad works together, like superheroes on a mission. If one hero doesn’t play their part, the mission could fail. So, when we clean the backyard, we’re a superhero squad, and we need to work as a team. Liam: Dad, as a superhero, you would be Captain America. Captain America is caring and compassionate, always striving to do what’s right and protect those in need. His determination and work ethic were shown even before he became a super-soldier, as he repeatedly tried to enlist in the army duringWorldWar II. Bonsu: Thank you, son. Captain America is a true symbol of honor and dedication, and I’m honored you think of me that way. Just remember, those traits are something we can all aspire to have in our lives, whether or not we wear a superhero costume. Nolan: Dad, what’s integrity? Bonsu: Great question, Nolan! Integrity means being honest and doing what’s right, even when no one is looking. It’s like having your own secret superhero code. We should always tell the truth and do the right thing. Liam: I get it now, that’s why you say every morning, 42 The Birthday Journal