Bonsu Magazine

Bonsu: Alright, troops, gather around for a fun military-style lesson! Today, I want to talk about some important skills we practice in the army: leadership, teamwork, and integrity. But first, let’s warm up those muscles. How about we start with some push-ups? Eli: Push-ups, Dad? Are you serious? Bonsu: Absolutely, Eli! It’s all part of the experience. Showme what you’ve got. Let’s see those push-ups! Liam: (grinning) Alright, Dad, you asked for it! The boys start doing push-ups, and Bonsu joins in, making it a friendly competition. Nolan: (laughing) Dad, you’re still pretty good at these! Bonsu: (smiling) Well, I have to stay in shape to keep up with you three! Okay, let’s take a break. Now, about those military skills... Eli: Push-ups were a good start, Dad! So, what’s leadership? And why do you always say, “You cannot be successful waking up at 10 a.m.?” Bonsu: Leadership, Eli, is like being the captain of your team. It’s about making sure everyone works together and follows the plan. Imagine you’re in charge of a mission to clean up the backyard – you’d be the leader! And as for waking up early, well, that’s a lesson I learned in the military. Being punctual and starting your day early helps you make the most of your time and be more productive. It’s a part of being a good leader and taking charge of your day. Dad’s Wisdom L e a d i n g w i t h H e a r t 41 The Birthday Journal