October 2018, I sat on the bed with Ewurama, laying out my plans for the future. “I feel it’s time for me to retire,” I said. She looked at me quietly in her wise way as I outlined my fears. The problemwas that I was due for reassignment, but I had had enough of it. The boys didn’t need to be traveling around so often; they needed stability. Besides, Ewurama loved the DMV area. “You are wise,” she replied. “You always think through your decisions before you make them. I am sure you will make a good decision.” A few days after our discussion, I started working on my retirement documentation. In November 2018, I submitted the retirement packet, which was approved in December 2018. That’s when the panic started kicking in. I had been in this organized world of the military for too long and had never attended an interview; it was like jumping into an unknown world. Thankfully, I went through the retirement transition successfully, worked on my resume, and in July 2019, I started interviewing for civilian jobs. To my surprise, I had more job offers in one week than I even thought possible. I accepted and started my first job in August 2019, 45 days before my final retirement. I have enjoyed every bit of this first retirement, and I couldn’t have imagined this outcome. I now knowmy military experience prepared me very well for this moment. Army Veteran 31 The Birthday Journal