Bonsu Magazine

Ewurama came to visit me while I was in Korea for another 1-year tour. We spent three weeks traveling through the country, spending quality time at different hotels in different cities. After her three-week visit, she returned to the USA and back to work. After arriving in the US, she was back to her normal routine of working her 9-5 job, heading to the gym after work, and then back home to the lonely space. A few weeks after she returned, she had complained of feeling queasy and funny. We both knew what was happening. She was pregnant, but we talked about it to each other with uncertainty, afraid to be happy, not wanting to build any hope that would come dashing to the ground in a fewmonths. After five miscarriages, we had kind of stopped hoping, kind of lost confidence, that maybe we weren’t destined to be parents. As she neared twenty weeks, and while still in Korea, the doctors put her on bed rest, and a small fire of hope began to build in my chest. Was this baby destined to stay? Gradually, we began to build confidence about buying a baby crib here, feeding bottles there, soft baby toys here, and baby clothing there. Gradually, we allowed ourselves to smile when we talked about our baby, allowed ourselves to Finally, Kidiboobs! 25 The Birthday Journal