Bonsu Magazine

We sat in the small yet elegant Italian restaurant in DC, gazing into each other’s eyes and whispering sweet nothings, savoring our delightful dinner and sipping on wine. Ewurama looked as beautiful as ever. I felt a slight nervousness about the decision I was making. Undoubtedly, it was the right one, but would she feel the same way about me? As our plates began to empty, the restaurant’s lights dimmed into a romantic glow, and soft, romantic music filled the room, creating the perfect atmosphere for what I was about to do. Then, the restaurant staff entered in a single file, wearing little smiles on their lips, as they brought dessert. I looked intently at Ewurama, and a look of surprise and uncertainty lit up her face, as if she wondered, ‘What is happening here?’ As soon as they set the dessert on the table, the light gently illuminated the delicately cut stones on the jewelry, causing them to sparkle. Ewurama let out a surprised sigh, her eyes lighting up. By the time she looked up, I was already kneeling by the table, asking her whether she would marry me. My heart pounded in my chest, my tongue a bit dry. What if I was wrong about the way she felt about me?What if she said no? I needn’t have worried because when I popped the question, the light in her eyes shone brighter, and she smiled shyly at me with so much love. By this time, the whole restaurant had fallen into pin-drop silence, and all eyes were on us. The level of anticipation in the air was about to burst. She heaved a small sigh, smiled again, and whispered, “Yes! Yes! I will marry you.” The whole place erupted in a loud cheer, and my heart exploded with joy. Lo is in the Air I needn’t have worried because when I popped the question, the light in her eyes shone brighter, and she smiled shyly at me with so much love. “ 18 The Birthday Journal