use it to pass the time until I decided what I really wanted to do. It gave me a sense of purpose. Besides, basic training was kind of difficult but the camaraderie with others made it exciting. I completed my Basic Military Training at Fort Jackson, SC from April to June 1994 and continued with my specialized training in Logistics and Supply Chain at Gregg-Adams, VA (formerly known as Fort Lee). After my training, I was assigned to Camp Humphreys, Korea, for a 12-month rotation. I arrived in Korea in September of 1994, a month before my 21st birthday. There, I began my college education at the University of Maryland Global Campus (Asia). I used the opportunity to travel through most parts of Korea and engage in numerous folk festivals. After 9 months stationed in Korea, I received permanent change of station orders to relocate to Fort Jackson, SC as a logistics specialist. This was supposed to be a relaxed 3-year assignment, but I requested a change to my orders because I wanted to join the most Elite Aviation Command in the Army, which supported all four military services’ Special Operators: the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Night Stalkers), which was portrayed in the movie Black Hawk Down. This request for the change was a surprise and a very unpopular one. At the age of 21, I guess I had no fear and enjoyed the thrill. I was accepted into the organization where I spent 4 excellent years jumping out of planes and helicopters, rappelling off towers, and spending long nights living in the woods. While at Fort Campbell, I had a decision to make, either complete my three years of initial enlistment or re-enlist for an additional four years. This was a tough decision since I knew I wasn’t ready for the civilian world. I decided to re-enlist for 4 years. I asked my older brother Augustus, who was a 2nd Lieutenant at that time, to perform the enlistment ceremony. As part of my re-enlistment, I was offered a position at Princeton University to support the Army ROTC for three years. I arrived at Princeton in April 1999 and departed in June 2002. In between this time, my adult life changed from being single to meeting my wife. 16 The Birthday Journal