Genesis I was born in Accra, on June 3, 1973, to David Kofi Larbi from Apirede, Akwapim and Gloria Aba Addison from Anomabu. I was named Akosua Twewaa, after my paternal grandmother. I have been told that my dad named me “Rose” – after his mother, but my mother found a way to officially change my name to Judy. Don’t ask me how she was able to do that without my dad’s consent! Growing up, I lived with my mother, who was a single mom. It was the two of us, and a host of other close family and some musicians. I saw all the things my mom did for me. As I was growing up, I remember our little gossip sessions as we talked about everything any mother and daughter would talk about - from her day after a hard day’s work at the nightclub she ran at Community One, to how she “blasted” one of her bandsmen who frustrated her at the club. We watched television together, listened to music, and sometimes danced together. There were nights we would hang around in the living room for hours, oftentimes both of us falling asleep on the couch with my mom in her favorite couch in the family room. To this day, my love for sleeping overnight in the family room couch can be attributed to this. 9 The Birthday Journal