I wish her happiness. She deserves it! I wish her good health and peace of mind. Andrew Okaikoi Akosua is an all-fun baby girl, very compassionate and emotional. She is a firmand principled person. She also tears up easily and for some of us as old folks, we try not to hurt her feelings considering her stamina. Out of the 38 years of our friendship, I will say, Akosua is awesome. Akosua was always hiding under a staircase near the History Classroom studying. She will not even countenance a minute chat when she is in her study mood. I wish you GOOD HEALTH AND WEALTH. Evelyn Owusu-Carr Akosua has been a great friend and a sister, one that I can always lean on for support and for encouragement. I usually call her “A-Larbi International.” We go way back and our bond as friendship is deeply rooted in us. There are many qualities I love about Akosua, and these include intelligence, kindness, her sense of humor, patience, selflessness, and many others that make her special and unique. Absolutely no doubt, I have great fond memories of Akosua, these memories are ones that can never be forgotten. Akosua will call anytime she is Ghana and always would want us to have lunch, hang out and party. Akosua loves music and can dance the whole night. There’s never a dull moment with Akosua. My wish for Akosua is nothing but good health, happiness, and success in everything she does, personal and business life. It is my greatest prayer that all the lines fall in the right place for her. Ashiokai Akrong I love her joie de vivre!!! Very similar to me #Onelifetolive #carpediem. Akos and I worked together at Joy FM when it first started. Too many great memories there! I’ll never forget when I first moved to Minneapolis for school and Akos really welcomed me, took me to Macys and bought me these gorgeous red, white and black wedges. I loved them! Akos, may you never lose your joie de vivre! I hope you travel widely and experience somany different cultures, by yourself and with the kiddos! I pray laughter is always present in your home; and may you continue dancing even when the music is low. Christine Two things come tomindwhen I think of Akos - her zest for life and tenacious personality. Hard to talk about one without the other. As a busy working mom and tireless advocate for Ekua and Kweku, she somehow manages to make time for herself and pour into her own proverbial bucket. How she juggles everything on her plate and makes time for her busy social calendar amazes me. At the beginning of every school year, I get in touch with Akosua for intel on teachers and general info on who to avoid at our kids school, trade stories and strategize about how to survive the school year without losing our sanity. Equal parts informative and cathartic, it keeps us grounded and ready to face the school year as best as we can. Akos, I pray that your next decade will be even better than your former; that you will walk in the fullness of all God has for you; acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will surely direct your paths. Amen! Mawusco As you turn 50, I wish you good health, wealth, happiness, peace, long life and prosperity. I am most grateful for your loyalty. I love that you’re dependable and always there to lend a hand. 59 The Birthday Journal