Not giving up, not letting go, trusting God with all my strength paid off. Amazing to note that our two years of intense prayers had not gone to waste, that God was truly a prayer answering God. We had prayed every single day; weekends, holidays, every day, both day and night, myself, Prince, Theresa, Delah and Terry at various times. Prince calling me at midnight during his night shift, me hiding in my wardrobe for privacy so I could call upon my God without interruption. I had laid my agony before the Lord, knowing that nothing was too difficult for him. At Christ Covenant Chapel, which was my home church at the time, I would often lay at the altar during worship times and cried and prayed my heart out, my prayers, specifically, I wanted twin children, a boy and girl. And to think that when God answered, it was exactly as I had asked. Consequently, I adopted the name Prayerworks as I am a living testimony of God answering my very specific prayer. Right from seeing the two pink lines on the pregnancy kit, down to rushing to the hospital to confirm if I was really pregnant and finding out on the second doctor’s appointment that I was carrying twin children, I saw the mighty hand of God. It was glorious. I would sing out loud, I would praise my God, I would shout out for all the world to hear what my God had done for me. “ 33 The Birthday Journal