My story began in October 1972. I am the firstborn and an answered prayer to my parents of blessed memory, Michael and Mary Akoto-Sasu. My name would be Adjoa (Monday born), but my parents believed I was special, so my dad named me after another special woman in his life, his mother. Thus, Dora Kissiwaa was outdoored to the world. As a pampered child, my parents fussed over me excessively. I remember I had an accident in one of our neighbors' homes, which left me in a cast for about 4 months. My mom was distraught. The cast went over my chest and she wore herself out with worry that my breasts would never grow. Looking back, it was very funny how she reacted to the accident. Mymomwas themost influential person in my life as a child. She was entrepreneurial, hard-working, and made sure we had the best. It was her idea that I have a good education, so she did everything to ensure that I had a good foundation by sending me to one of the best nursery schools in the country at the time. She even started a poultry farm just to make sure that I had everything. Together with my younger brother Kwame, we were a happy family of four until tragedy struck when my brother died after being bitten by our neighbor’s rabid dog. It was a sad time in my life. After my brother’s tragic death, my mother had a few miscarriages and then had my younger sister. She was so intent on having a large nuclear family and was ecstatic when she got pregnant again. However, she died in childbirth, leaving me a beautiful sister. My grandmother took up the role of mother and took care of my baby sister until she was old enough to join us in Accra. I was very young when my mom passed away, and it was kept away from me for I AM ADJOA KISSIWAA OBIMPEH UNSTOPPABLE I am unstoppable. I lift my head high and rise above the challenges. For every key on the keyboard that sounds, black or white, I do my dance— my joy dance, then my grief dance, and I still dance when life gives me a combination of white and black keys—I balance them both. For life has taught me that, together, the white and black keys create a beautiful symphony that keeps my song as harmonious as ever. So I dance. Come what may, I am unstoppable. 4



months. I knew she was going to have a baby and wasn’t coming home yet. I was only told the weekend of the burial that she had passed. It was a shock to me. I did not understand it. It wasn’t until after the burial that I realised my life had changed dramatically. When my mom passed away, everything kind of changed, but I don’t frown upon those years. Of course, I get sad when I go through milestones like graduations, marriage, and childbearing. She missed it all. I really wish she was here. Immediately after her funeral, my younger sister and I went to live with my uncle in London with the intention of relocating. My dad changed his mind and brought us back to Ghana. Coming back to my home, I knew my life had changed. It was going to be very different. I was very confused at that age, and it was an emotional time for me. I had to growup fast and become the woman of the house, but those were my formative years and I considered myself a child still, but I took on so many responsibilities. My dad remarried after my mom passed away. I easily assimilated into my new blended family, and my dad and stepmother did a great job of keeping stability for us all. Through it all, I also gained more siblings, which was fun and a blessing. The more, the merrier. In 2006, when we lost our beloved dad suddenly after he suffered a brief illness, this loss was different; the pain was more intense, and my heart and soul understood the value and implications of losing a parent. With that said, I am not consumed with grief that I am an orphan. All these experiences have contributed to who I am. Unstoppable. 7

powerful I'm so I don't need Batteries to play I'm so confident Yeah, I'm Unstoppable Today Unstoppable Sia 8



I was just a girl, but I knew what I wanted and how to get it. I knew how to pick my own battles. I really started to find myself when I went to secondary school at Mfantsiman Girls Secondary School in Saltpond, Ghana. It was an exciting and memorable time in my life. The independence and the friendships were so exhilarating. I was interested in everything. Perhaps if I had not relocated to the United States (US), I would have been a politician. In school, I started new clubs, chaired clubs, and was elected Entertainment Prefect, ensuring that every Saturday night was fun for me and for everyone at school. I loved to dance. Maybe it was my love for Michael Jackson. I would take part in dancing competitions. I was really on fire. I AMTHIS GIRL IS ON FIRE The notes get higher and the tempo increases; the music is almost deafening. The notes rise and fall; the music undulates, then reaches a crescendo, and I swing my neck and let go. A fire dance, I spring from left to right, then back right to left, not caring who is watching or what they will say, unafraid to make my moves. This girl can do anything. Anything. This girl is on fire! 11

It was at this stage of my life that I had a brush with one of the greatest: Maya Angelou. However, I did not know about her. Sheer ignorance. It was at The Pan African Historical Festival (PANAFEST), and there I was, a tour guide for this delightful African-American Festival. I took it as any normal holiday job, not knowing the magnitude of it all. I should have listened more intently in the short time I had with her. She once askedme to recite a poem for her at the DuBois Center, but when I did, she thought my performance was flat. Then she took the stage, and it was amazing. I was in awe of her, and that was the very first time I realised she was a phenomenal woman. It was not until I moved to the US and started watching Oprah that I realised who she was and what a big deal that was. I have since invested in her poetry and work. She gave me a little notebook with a few collections of her writings, but alas, I don’t know where it is. After sixth form, I knewIwanted to go touniversity. That was my priority, but my dad felt it was a waste of time. "Youwill get married, so learn a trade," he said. That was when the real fire in this girl came out. I rememberedmy mother telling me that I was my father’s eldest daughter and that I should make sure to get an education. In my determination, I left for Kumasi to work on getting admission to the University of Science and Technology, even though I didn’t have a pass in mathematics. I woke up every morning, dressed up, and went to the university campus. I stayed there frommorning until evening each day, "pounding the pavements," as we used to say, until I was handed an admission letter to study for the Bachelor of Arts programme in Metals. It was more like a course in jewelry. The plan was to get my foot in the door and then workmy way into architecture. One of my proudest moments because at that point, it felt like I had not only done something for myself but also something to put my mom's soul at peace. I came back to Accra, and my dad took it in with disbelief. He was so proud of me! 12





THE POWER OF Love I am I metmyhusband,Ken, rightaftermyO'levels. I was sixteen or seventeen years old. After a year of dating, he moved to the US to study. We were in a long-distance relationship for 7 years. The bulk of our communication was through letters, and when I was on campus, we used the phone booths. For us, marriage was an organic process. Our relationship just blossomed towardsmarriage without any real effort.We were in constant communication. Hewrote everyweek, to the extent that in Mfantsiman I was the "letter girl," as I knew I would get a letter every day. He cameone time tomyuniversity campus tovisitme, and he said, "OhmyGod, all these guys are around you; let’s just get married."We did not think about it seriously or take into consideration what it took to get married. On that visit, he gave me a promissory ring, and we started the engagement process. In 1997, we had our traditional marriage while I was in my second year at university. After graduating from university, I joined my husband in the US, where we had our civil marriage. We blessed our marriage in the Catholic Church a coupl of years later. A couple of months ago, I was looking for some old pictures when I stumbled upon the very first letter he wrote to me when he left for the US. My A softening sound, as of a slow-flowing stream. The music is slow and lovely. I can imagine the long, thin fingers of the keyboardist as he caresses the keys. I waltz across the room, burrowing my head into my lover’s chest as the sweet fragrance of his perfume wafts through my nose. I feel heady. My heart pumps in pure pleasure. I am falling. Free falling. Now I am floating. Mmmm. This feeling. 17

daughter was reading it, and she was tearing up. Iwill say thatKen and Iwere friends.We could sit and talk for hours on end, about everything and nothing. Every marriage has its ups and downs, and I must say, to the glory of God, ours has been good. Ken, my “gentle giant,” as I sometimes refer to him, is a very patient, thoughtful, and caring man. He’s open and communicates well; he likes to talk. Of the two of us, I’m the one who would rather be angry for a month instead of speaking up and getting it off my chest. It was meant to be. It was in God’s hands. When I met him, he had a bit of a bad boy image, but I was home to him. A funny story: after our engagement, Ken’s dad called me to the side and stretched out his hand for a handshake. He said, "Wow, you really tamed him - out of all the women, I have a newfound respect for you." Motherhood came with marriage. I was very nervous about having children because my mother died in childbirth. I regained confidence after a conversation withmy father. Itwas thefirst timewe reallydiscussed my mother’s death. My father reassured me that technology was far advanced in theUnited States and that I had nothing to fear. He was right. I got pregnant quickly, and yes, I had some complications, but there was the right treatment to see me through a successful pregnancy. It got me thinking that perhaps if my mother had had the right treatment, she would not have died after all. My second pregnancy was very different from the first one; it was a little smoother. After my two children, I really wanted a third. We traveled home to Ghana to bless our marriage, when we got back, I realised that I was pregnant, but unfortunately, I miscarried. It got me thinking. God has given me a girl and a boy. Maybe I shouldn’t push it. They have both been a delight. My life has been destined. God has a plan forme, and I am just following it. "Family" for me means security, a secure blanket. Stability. It is the fabric of my life. In my first family, we had our problems, but it was a secure family life, and I felt safe within it. Each of my siblings represents a significant part of my life’s tapestry that makes me whole. We have our differences, butourbondsurpassesall ourdifferences. When I come to my nucleus family, they are my everything and the reason why I wake up every morning and go to work, and the reason why I say, "Thank you," when I go to bed. We are really close; we laugh a lot. My daughter has a big personality. My husband represents security in my life. My son is the serious one in our family, and he always grounds us. He is a realist. Just talking about my family brings a smile to my face, and that says it all. I have been blessed with a good family, and they are my blessing. 18









We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened But I'm ready to learn Of the power of love The power of love Celine Dion 27

Ken and I returning to school and changing careers during the 20082009 recession was one of our greatest family achievements. It required a lot of financial, emotional, and physical sacrifices from the entire family. I started off as a banker inOhio and hadworked for over 10 years whenmy husband found a job inGeorgia, sowe had to move. In Georgia, I found another banking job, but then the recession hit and my husband lost his job. A few months later, I also lost mine. It was a very hard time for us financially. We re-strategized, downsized, moved into an apartment, and moved our kids out of all extracurricular activities. My husband even gave up his car (BMW) because he couldn’t afford the payment. Lifewas so difficult that I even soldmy priced jewelry. It was simply unbelievable. As someone who majored in jewelrymaking at university, I loved jewelry, specifically gold, and I had acquired a great collection of pure gold jewelry over the years. For the first time in my life, I found myself in a pawn shop, almost on the verge of tears as I sold my precious gold assets, just to make ends meet. I shook my head in shame, sadness, and disbelief. What had I done wrong? Why us? Now, I know that sometimes one has to take several steps backward in order to leap forward. My husband always refers to that period of our lives as our “wilderness.” I remember us thinking we were going to live in our apartment for a short while, but we ended up staying there for eight good years. All in all, that brought us closer together as a family because we were all we had. My husband decided to change careers from business to the medical field. He was determined to make something of his life - for us and our children. I had NEVER GIVE UP I AM "A WISE WOMAN WISHES TO BE NO ONE'S ENEMY; A WISE WOMAN REFUSES TO BE ANYONE'S VICTIM.” Maya Angelou Cacophonous, deafening music. Crazy. A loud crash! A roaring sound! Noise! Noise! Now it is so confusing. Oh Mr. Keyboardist, let it stop! Let it stop, please! 28


renewed respect for my man. What a joy it was when he gained admission to a school in Florida, but Florida was several miles away from Georgia! We didn’t want to relocate the whole family again, so while he was away at school in Florida, the kids and I stayed in Georgia. Usually on Friday afternoons, when I picked up the children from school, we wouldmake the long-dreaded five-hour trip down to Florida to go see Ken. We were tired but happy to be together as a family. Our children kept us going. We wanted to make life as normal as possible for them. Our kids saw us go back to school as mature students. I always tell them and my younger students that they can reach the highest level of education they aspire to. We have learnt from our wilderness experience. I have learnt that making mistakes or coming to a crossroads and facing challenges is not necessarily a bad thing; it’s what you do to pick yourself up that really matters at the end of the day. 30


Keep the dream Alive don't let it die If something deep Inside keeps Inspiring you to try Don't stop And never give up; Don't ever give up On you Never give up Yolanda Adams 32


When I firstmoved toGeorgia, it took a couple of months to find a job.While looking for a new job, I dropped my children off at school and picked them up every day. It was so relaxing that I threw myself into volunteering at the school. As I got more involved, I began to enjoy the schedule. I did not think much of it till I got another bank job and went back to the daily grind. My new job was so hectic that I sat down one day and said to myself, "This is not good." I needed to do something else. Then the market crunch hit, and I got laid off fromwork. I was home again. I went back to the school schedule with the children, and I thought to myself again. "I quite like this schedule." That was when my husband suggested that I get a job in teaching. It was a good idea, but I wondered whether the students would understand my accent. One day I shared my thoughts about getting into the teaching profession with my daughter’s teacher, and she said "Why not?” “Do you have a degree already?” I said, "Yes." Then she said, "You only need to take the teacher certification; that’s it." That kind of started my journey into education. I needed to take the GRE and enrolled in a two-yearMaster’s programme in Early Childhood Education. After graduation, I started in special education - kids. It was a trying time. I questioned God so much. Why did God create kids that needed this much support? He gave me an answer, which was, "I created them for a purpose, and that makes them wonderful in their own rights, and they are to be loved unconditionally." I stopped questioning and threw myself into my support role. I have since switched to teaching first graders. Teaching has been a joy and my true calling. I enjoy it when children come to me not knowing how to read and leave knowing how. It has been a fulfilling career for me. One of my life's philosophies is that every child, regardless of background, can be educated. I also believe that everyone is different and learns differently. I have a very photographic memory. That’s how I learn. With some children, you have to sing for them to grasp the concept, and for others, you can act it out, and they get it. Teaching does not pay much, but there is real fulfillment in it. It’s one of the few careers that makes you feel like you are making a difference in someone’s life. It is nice to be in a position where children can lean on me. LEANONME I AM The music settles. Sure and soothing. Ethereal. The notes blend smoothly. I smile. I swoon. I croon. Thank you, Mr. Keyboardist. 35

Lean on me Bill Withers I just might have A problem that You'll Understand We all need Somebody to Lean on

Photo credit “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” –William Shakespeare

As I approached the end of my two-year education program, I have thought about what my idea of education was and what my reasons were for entering the program. Upon reflection, I realised howmuch I had changed as a Transforming Practitioner. My outlook on teachers, classrooms, assessments, and the curriculum has changed. Winston Churchill once said, "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." which I truly believe. Coming from the banking profession for over ten years, my initial motivation to be a teacher was for the extrinsic rewards, but now I must admit that the intrinsic aspect of teaching is much more rewarding in my opinion. As I begin my final reflection about my teaching philosophy as a transforming teacher/educator, I am reminded of one of my favourite quotes by NelsonMandela, which says, "Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world." My idea of a "Transforming Practitioner" has changed over the course of my education at Mercer University. I have learned so much about education and how to be an effective teacher. I believe that all students can reach their full potential in education and in life, regardless of any obstacles. “As teachers, how can we prepare students to succeed in this competitive environment we have today?" To achieve this goal, it is important to know the role of the student, teacher, curriculum, and environment and their impact on students' learning. I have learned that the role of a student entails various things. Students play an important role in the development of society and the world we live in, and instilling positive values in students will benefit society greatly. Their first role is to study and develop the information given to them into lifelong lessons that will lead them to become significant contributors in the future. Students should not be spectators in their classrooms, but should be active participants in their education. I come from a family of teachers. My grandmother, grandfather, aunties, and cousins are all teachers. I always saw them as disciplinarians, but it was not until I started my education programme that my idea of the role of a teacher changed. During my three field experiences, I worked with three teachers with three distinct teaching styles, but one thing they all had in common was their passion to teach. The role of a teacher is to be a source of information for students to construct knowledge and to promote their individual uniqueness. The old concept of teachers giving lectures while students sit and listen is obsolete. I believe that an effective teacher is one who involves all students in the learning process, welcomes students' opinions, embraces unique differences, and creates a fun and inviting environment where all students will achieve their full potential in education. Appropriate structure and planning are required in order to be successful in all aspects of life. The curriculum plays an important role in schools. The curriculum is put in place to provide a structured platformwhere every student has the same opportunity to achieve his or her goals. An effective curriculum allows teachers to provide an educational programme rich with great ideas and strategies. A curriculum provides teachers with the opportunity to assess students’ progress and the certainty that they have provided essential knowledge for all students to succeed in life. I believe that a student is a product of the environment or community in which they live. The environment is very influential in students' learning and growth. As a teacher, I will strive to create a learning community where every student is interested and involved in the learning process. It is important that we create a learning culture where each member wants every member to succeed. To ensure a well-balanced environment, educators should encourage parental involvement in schools and set high expectations for students and parents. I believe teachers should create a learning community where students respect each other and every child feels free to voice their opinion as well as establish new ideas to provide continuous learning and growth. As I continue my professional development, there are many areas in education that I will aim at improving to make me an effective teacher. One of my biggest "ah ha" moments during this course was learning about how assessments are used in schools. Using tests as a general form of assessments is just a snapshot of the extent of the student’s intelligence. I always thought taking one big test at the end of a lesson was a great way to assess students. Rick Stiggins' article, "Assessment Through Students' Eyes," focused on how assessments are used and addressed in 21st-century education in the United States. Assessments, I discovered, should be used as a learning tool to enhance cognitive learning rather than simply to authenticate learning. In my previous reflections, I highlighted that classroom management is another area of education where I aspire to improve upon. This is one aspect that, in my opinion, is vital in order to succeed as a teacher. Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a classroom that is poorly managed. A well-managed classroom creates an environment where all students can learn and flourish. During my field experiences, I observed many forms of student management, which, I must admit, were a bit at odds with what I had learned during this program. I would Adjoa Obimpeh, Student Teacher, 2013 E x c e r p t My Philosophy on Education 38


recommend that every teacher read the book "Developmental Discipline" by Dr. Peter Ross. I learned great strategies from that book that will better equip me to run a well-managed class. I learned that using extrinsic motivators or tokens provides students with tangible reasons for showing good behavior. I also learned that communication is one of the significant elements in effectively curbing bad behavior. Positive communication and positive affirmation lead to a positive environment. I personally used the positive affirmation strategy in my student teaching classroom, and students responded very well to it. What I observed is that young children are always ready to please. In one instance, a student comes up to me at the end of each day and says, "Ms. A, did I do well today?" That was an indication that the particular student liked the positive affirmation I had given to other students and wanted to exhibit the same good behavior. That put a smile on my face. Another major area of education where I would like to expand my knowledge base is teaching mathematics to younger students. Learning how to teach math was one of the enlightening courses I took during my two years at Mercer. I learned that mathematics is a way of exploring the world through numbers, shapes, measurement, and problem solving. I was one of those who viewed math in a negative way and thought I was just not good at it, mainly because of how it was presented to me. I have learned a variety of instructional strategies, procedures, and methods to support mathematical instruction in my classroom. First, it is important to create an effective literate environment to enhance mathematicalunderstanding by incorporating foundational knowledge. By incorporating hands-on activities and allowing students to have cooperative learning opportunities with other students, I will use various manipulatives to teach. Secondly, integrating literature and math was one of the strategies that was very enlightening to me. I learned that reading is one of the fundamental processes in life for acquiring knowledge and forming an understanding of basic concepts. Teachers should strive to incorporate literature into math instruction so that students can make connections between math and their daily lives. Finally, another concept that resonated with me is the use of games in teaching the concept of problem solving in math. All students learn differently, which makes the use of games a simple and fun way of emphasising the most important elements of math. I have learned that there are so many layers to teaching math to children, and I will use the knowledge acquired frommy education to make the understanding of math concepts a more pleasurable experience for children. Assessments are a way of evaluating the quality and extent of learning, while reflection is an analysis of how we learn. These two ideas are sometimes used interchangeably. During my practicum experience, I had the pleasure of teaching a fourth grade class. After I taught a math problem-solving lesson, I put a new math problem on the board and allowed students to work individually. After individual time, I solved the math problem on the board together with the students. I asked students to take some time to reflect on how they arrived at their final answer, and I asked those who got the wrong answer to analyse what they did wrong. This activity allowed me to pre-assess the students’ knowledge level of the concept I was teaching without any anxiety from the students. This way of assessing demonstrates how assessments lead to reflection and how learning can be interrelated with assessment. Assessments, as previously stated, should be used as a learning tool to enhance cognitive learning rather than solely to authenticate learning. My most enduring course at Mercer was the Exceptional Learners class. We often lose sight of exceptional learners as transforming teachers. I must say my experiences in this class acted as a catalyst for my personal and professional transformation. This course was overwhelmingly full of very important information that will stay with me forever. All the terminology, technology, and unique curricula for exceptional learners that were all foreign to me nowmake sense. In my profession as an educator, I have gained a great deal of knowledge about where to seek professional literature and services and how to use that information for both exceptional and regular learners. As Dr. Saulson mentioned at the end of this course, we should keep in mind that most of the exceptional learners are also human beings trapped in bodies they have no control over. There is a voice inside that needs to be heard, and we, as aspiring teachers, should strive to be their voices and eyes to make it a somewhat better world for them. As I grow as a transformative teacher, I am going to use reflection to improve and develop my teaching skills. It is important to take time away from teaching to think about your instructional strategies in the classroom. A teacher needs to reflect regularly on whether his or her instructions are working and which ones need to be improved. This helps teachers evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching while they continue to grow professionally. I am from Ghana, where the saying "It takes a village to raise a child" is almost literally adhered to. I intend to learn frommy colleagues and peers and am always open to constructive criticism to enable me to achieve my goals. I have learned that taking the academic route alone does not make you an effective teacher. I believe that in order for students to achieve their full potential in education, teachers need to stimulate students emotionally, socially, physically, and intellectually. I have faced several challenges in life. It was a challenge when, as a young lady, I left behind the tropical climate of Ghana to experience sub-zero weather upon arrival in Columbus, Ohio, to achieve my dreams, so I know every child with the right support and environment can achieve their academic goals and achieve their dreams. From humble beginnings, I was taught the value of hard work and never to be a quitter but to persevere at all costs. Therefore, when I embarked on changing my career from banking to teaching, I never looked back, despite my many challenges thus far. With each class I completed, I knew I was making steady strides toward my goal of becoming an educator and making a difference in the lives of my future students.


I had some great role models, and whatever I went through, negative or positive, has made me who I am today. I see myself as someone who stood on the shoulders of some powerful women, and I see a little bit of all of them in me. My birth mother was one of the first women in my life. She was a beacon of light, strong in her faith, funny, hardworking, loved to dance, and lived life to the fullest. If I had been given the opportunity to write her tribute, I would have written that she had no regrets. She fought hard for her family and lived life to the fullest. She taught me how to be resilient and to have fun, and O’ boy, don’t I enjoy life. Thanks Mum! My grandmother took up the role of mom when our mother died. She took care of my sister until she was old enough to join us in Accra. It was a pleasure to spend time with her in Kumasi during the holidays. She's the best. My stepmother taught me about cleanliness and how tomanage a home. She really loved cleanliness somuch that we even washed the leaves of the artificial flowers during the holidays. Thanks, Mum, and God bless! My mother-in-law took me under her wings. When I started dating my husband, we were both very young. Immediately after she found out my biological mother had passed on to eternity, I became one of hers. If there was a funeral in the house and they were getting a family cloth, she made sure I had the cloth and would even have it sewn for me. People wondered whether I was her stepdaughter. Akpe Ma! Another mother figure in my life is Mrs. Twum-Boafo. She is the mother of my childhood best friend, Cynthia. Auntie adopted me as her own child. Thank you, Auntie. I am a bit like all these mothers. I am a mum, I am a wife, and I am a Christian who yearns to grow deeper in her faith and in the service of God. I am an African woman, born and bred. I aman educator. I ama sibling. I ama friend. I am there whenever my family and friends need me. I anticipate their needs and endeavor to help. I love shoes, I love to shop, I love to entertain, I love to serve and see people happy. In a way, I AMEVERYWOMAN! A mishmash of sounds. It's beautiful, crisp, clear, loud, fast, and thunderous. Slow, soft, disorienting. I am a blend of many tunes, a mix of women, old and young. EVERY OMAN I AM 43

Anytime you feel danger Or fear Then instantly I will Appear, cause I'm every woman It's all in me I’m every woman Chaka Khan

To walk a mile in Adjoa’s shoes is to walk in the shoes of greatness. Every step you take reflects God's grace in your life. Adjoa, you manage to positively impact the lives of your friends and anyone you come into contact with, even in your heels and flats. Thank you, dearest shoe addict, for making us laugh until our stomachs hurt. Thank you for your generosity and for always being a shoulder on which we can lean. Thank you for being the inspiration we didn't know we needed. May this new stage bring you nothing but the best as you dance unto the 5th floor...with your favorite red shoes! 46

Happy Birthday, Adjie! These are a few reasons why we love you! 47

Adjoa! I wish you good health, prosperity and many more fun years ahead. I can’t wait to spend 50 more years with you. This December, as we mark our 25thMarriage Anniversary, I thank God for having you in my life for over 30 years. Your Endless Love, Ken Mom! We love howmuch you care for other people! We pray that you live a long and prosperous life and that you get everything you deserve in life. We thank God for giving you 50 good years! We love you! Sydney and Justin Happy Birthday Adjoa, we love you. Happy Birthday to my bubbly Adjoa, akaMrs. Obimpeh! You are love, you are light, and we love you just the way you are. Akua Happy Birthday Kissiwaa, Adjie, I love your sassiness and bubbly personality. You are an amazing woman of strength, character, and real beauty. The kind that shines from the inside out. I love you so much. I wish you 50 more years! Ayisha Adjoa, we love your sense of style and big heart. Thank you for always opening your home to our family. We wish you many many more years in good health, style and luxury. The Oforis May God bless you, generations after you will rise up and call you blessed. We are truly thankful for everything you do for our family. Kwaku Happy birthday to our big sister. You don’t look a day over 21. May this new decade be your best one yet and may our Good Lord continue to guide and protect you. God bless you sis. Love you. Your favourite Sis, Nana ❤️ Our dear sister Adjoa, happy birthday! You definitely make 50 look like 25! I love you to the moon and back! May God continue to bless you. We love you! Abena Okukuseku! Happy Golden Jubilee. I pray that God will bless you today and wish and hope that the coming years will bring us more laughter, more cash, and more dancing. Albert Happy Birthday, Adjoa!!! Mrs. Obimpeh!!! We appreciate and love you so much. Happy Birthday to you from all of us. Enjoy your new age. Evelyn May God bless you and keep you. Happy Birthday Sis. Ayeley Happy Birthday Kiss! My wish for you is to continue to be fabulous, hilarious, sophisticated, classy and beautiful with your impeccable fashion sense. Hope you have a fabulous 50th. God bless you Miriam 50THBIRTHDAY CELEBRATORYWISHES 48

Blessings from the Obimpeh and Allied Families Happy Birthday Golden Jubilee Adjoa Welcome to the 5th Floor Adjoa. We gained an angel when you came into our family. We love you. Happy Birthday Adjie. We are so glad to have you as part of the family. We wish you God's blessings and many more happy birthdays. Enjoy your day. Danny and Betty Hey, Adjie! Happy Birthday We wish you many more years of good health and long life. May the good Lord grant you all your heart’s desires today and always! We love you! Steve and Emefa Happy Birthday Adjoa Love, Frank and Cheryl Happy Happy Happy Birthday to Adjoa, aka A. J. akaMrs. Obimpeh II. We pray for more grace, more blessings, more health, more money. May the Good Lord go along with today and all the days of your life. God bless! Henry Happy Birthday from all your Cheerleading Squad!!! Adjoa, Happy 50th Birthday! I hope your day is filled with love, peace, joy, and all the goodness that your heart can hold. You need to work on how to look 50 and not 25. I wish you God’s blessings! Barbara Asiedu Dora, as you turn 50 years, May the Lord bless you and answer every secret prayer of yours. May you have everything that you’ve ever wished for yourself, including the baby last that you wanted. Cynthia Twum-Boafo Happy Birthday to the kindhearted, best dancer and stylish Adjie. I wish God’s continuous blessing upon your life. For Him to open doors no man can shut and close doors no man can open! I pray that God keeps you in good health and brings abundance into your life continuously!! Dell Happy Birthday my friend. This is an amazing time. I am elated to be part of your story. Love you, Ingrid Adjie! It is finally here! Happy Golden Birthday! I wish you 50 more years of great health, fabulousness, and strong knees to keep rocking the high heels!!! Elfreda Happy Birthday, Adjoa! Your zest for life, beautiful spirit, and impeccable dancing skills are simply admirable. I pray that you continue to bask in God’s glory and keep dancing like only Adjoa can. Love you girl, Adjoa Aidoo-Shum Happy Birthday Mrs Obimpeh, the most beautiful, charming, helpful and supportive friend. I am so grateful to have you as a friend and on this special day I wish you a prosperous year and an amazing life! Akos We love how you manage to keep calm in stormy situations. How you love to have fun and your positive outlook on life in general. We wish you a long healthy life. No grey hairs, great joints, great memory, and above all, lots of fun and laughter!! Love from the Cudjoes 49

Happy Golden Birthday to an amazing woman of strength, character, and real beauty. The kind that shines from the inside out! This is how far God has brought you, sis! May He take you to greater heights and always stay true to yourself. Welcome to the 5th floor! We love you, Mrs. O! Martha Happy Birthday Adjoa. We wish you all the best, all the love, all the happiness and all the blessings and all the dancing especially for the next 50 years ahead. We love you and God bless you. Sela Adjoa, Happy Birthday! This is to wish you the very best for the next fifty years. I wish you much happiness, good health, blessings and everything good in between. Gloria Abedi Happy birthday my co - sister of the TTA (Thick Thigh Association). May God’s favor and blessings always be your portion. The next 50 years will be even better. Love you always. Stella Lisk Adjoa, you are such a genuine person that people get what they see. You are a good friend and are always there for your people. I wish you all the happiness in the world because you deserve it. I also wish for you all of the goat meat your heart desires (although I won't be partaking). AnaWalker Happy Birthday Adjie! You’re 50 years younger! I am grateful for our friendship over the years and look forward to the years ahead. We wish long life, prosperity and good health. Cheers to 50 years younger! We love you. Betty Sagoe Man, Ajie! You are fearless. No obstacle can stop you. I wish you 50 more years of health and wealth. Selfishly for me, I need you to be there to pick up my calls to have our endless conversations. Lolita Happy Birthday Adjie! We thank God for the gift of your life and thank God for the blessing that you are in our lives. May the Lord bless you and keep you and expand your territory. We look forward to you stepping into your next level of greatness. Love always. The Agyares Happy Birthday Adjoa! We know your 50th is just the beginning of many more blessings to come. God bless you exceedingly abundantly more than you can imagine. Jennifer Happy Birthday from all of US! 50

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