renewed respect for my man. What a joy it was when he gained admission to a school in Florida, but Florida was several miles away from Georgia! We didn’t want to relocate the whole family again, so while he was away at school in Florida, the kids and I stayed in Georgia. Usually on Friday afternoons, when I picked up the children from school, we wouldmake the long-dreaded five-hour trip down to Florida to go see Ken. We were tired but happy to be together as a family. Our children kept us going. We wanted to make life as normal as possible for them. Our kids saw us go back to school as mature students. I always tell them and my younger students that they can reach the highest level of education they aspire to. We have learnt from our wilderness experience. I have learnt that making mistakes or coming to a crossroads and facing challenges is not necessarily a bad thing; it’s what you do to pick yourself up that really matters at the end of the day. 30