Ken and I returning to school and changing careers during the 20082009 recession was one of our greatest family achievements. It required a lot of financial, emotional, and physical sacrifices from the entire family. I started off as a banker inOhio and hadworked for over 10 years whenmy husband found a job inGeorgia, sowe had to move. In Georgia, I found another banking job, but then the recession hit and my husband lost his job. A few months later, I also lost mine. It was a very hard time for us financially. We re-strategized, downsized, moved into an apartment, and moved our kids out of all extracurricular activities. My husband even gave up his car (BMW) because he couldn’t afford the payment. Lifewas so difficult that I even soldmy priced jewelry. It was simply unbelievable. As someone who majored in jewelrymaking at university, I loved jewelry, specifically gold, and I had acquired a great collection of pure gold jewelry over the years. For the first time in my life, I found myself in a pawn shop, almost on the verge of tears as I sold my precious gold assets, just to make ends meet. I shook my head in shame, sadness, and disbelief. What had I done wrong? Why us? Now, I know that sometimes one has to take several steps backward in order to leap forward. My husband always refers to that period of our lives as our “wilderness.” I remember us thinking we were going to live in our apartment for a short while, but we ended up staying there for eight good years. All in all, that brought us closer together as a family because we were all we had. My husband decided to change careers from business to the medical field. He was determined to make something of his life - for us and our children. I had NEVER GIVE UP I AM "A WISE WOMAN WISHES TO BE NO ONE'S ENEMY; A WISE WOMAN REFUSES TO BE ANYONE'S VICTIM.” Maya Angelou Cacophonous, deafening music. Crazy. A loud crash! A roaring sound! Noise! Noise! Now it is so confusing. Oh Mr. Keyboardist, let it stop! Let it stop, please! 28