Selasie Magazine

C O N T E N T S Coach Selasie Hits the Big 5-0Milestone! Inspiring Testimonials and Transformations Reset Rules: 10 Insider Tips for Success From Coach Selasie’s Birthday Wall 04 20 32 34 The Birthday Journal 3

Hurray!!! Coach Selasie Hits the Big 5-0 Milestone! A s Coach Selasie celebrates her 50th birthday on 16th May 2024, she reflects on her life’s journey, from childhood to her diverse roles as a registered social worker, reverend minister, health coach, and entrepreneur. Her experiences have shaped her into a compassionate individual, dedicated to holistic well-being and spiritual guidance. Grateful for life’s blessings, she wishes for love, grace, and continued opportunities to uplift others. Happy Birthday to Coach Selasie! 4 The Birthday Journal

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A REFLECTIVE JOURNEY Navigating Through the Layers of My Life A Journey Back to Childhood - If I could choose one place to revisit for the rest of my days, it would be my childhood—a time when I lived apart frommy parents and grappled with the complexities of life as a young child. This pivotal phase shaped my identity and instilled in me a deep sense of empathy and compassion for my younger self. Now, through introspection and self-care, I strive to be a friend to the lonely child I once was, offering comfort and understanding in retrospect. The Birthday Journal 7

Unlocking the Power of Overcoming Adversity T he most fascinating lesson life has taught me is the incredible power of the human spirit to heal and overcome adversity. I firmly believe that with the right tools, mindset, and support system— even if it’s just faith in God—we can conquer any challenge that comes our way. My journey as a social worker has affirmed this belief, as I’ve witnessed countless individuals rise above daunting obstacles with determination. 8 The Birthday Journal

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Wearing ManyHats W earing Many Hats - My professional journey is a diverse blend of service, faith, and passion. As a UK qualified registered social worker, I’ve dedicated over 16 years to serving communities, supervising teams, and effecting positive change. Beyond my career, my vocation as a reverend minister speaks to my deep-rooted faith and commitment to spiritual guidance and support. Additionally, my passion for health and wellness has led me to become a certified health coach and entrepreneur, advocating for holistic well-being and nutrition. The Birthday Journal 11

Nourishi the 12 The Birthday Journal

ing e Soul O utside of my professional endeavors, I find solace and joy in simple pleasures. Whether experimenting with healthy recipes in my kitchen or immersing myself in nature during long walks, I find respite from life’s demands. My love for poetry and reflection is evident in the verses that emerge from my solitary moments outdoors, a testament to my poetic soul and contemplative spirit. The Birthday Journal 13

A Dinner with Destiny I f given the chance to dine with a historical figure, I would choose Zipporah from the Bible—a woman whose quiet strength resonates deeply with me. Zipporah’s courage, humility, and support for her husband, Moses, inspire me, sparking a desire to converse with her over dinner and glean wisdom from her remarkable journey. 14 The Birthday Journal

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Gratitude and Grace A t the core of my being lies a profound sense of gratitude for life’s blessings—health, sanity, and the presence of genuinely good people who enrich my journey. While my birthday wish list may not include material gifts, it is adorned with prayers, kindness, and love from loved ones. My deepest desire is to witness happiness and well-being in those around me. My journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of faith and compassion. Through my diverse roles and commitment to uplifting others, I strive to embody the essence of a life well-lived—a life guided by faith, driven by passion, and defined by purpose. As I continue on this journey, may I be surrounded by love, grace, and the boundless blessings of the universe. Happy Birthday to me! 16 The Birthday Journal

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The Nongor Weight Reset Online Bootcamp is a transformative journey towards better health and wellness. Led by Coach Selasie, this comprehensive program offers personalized guidance, effective strategies, and ongoing support to help individuals achieve their weight loss goals. With a focus on holistic well-being, including nutrition, fitness, and mindset, the bootcamp provides the tools and resources individuals need to reset their bodies, revitalize their energy, and reclaim their vitality. As Coach Selasie celebrates her 50th birthday, testimonials pour in from alumni of her Weight Reset Online Bootcamp, showcasing the profound impact she has had on their health and wellness journeys. From long-time resetters who embarked on the journey six years ago to newcomers who joined just a month ago, the consensus is clear - Coach Selasie’s program is transformative. Cheers to Coach Selasie!!! 50 and Fabulously Fit! 18 The Birthday Journal

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Nobleladie Tabitha I first discovered Coach Selasie and her Nongor Reset Programme through her compelling personal story and the remarkable transformations evident in before-and-after pictures of her weight loss journey. Inspired by her journey and determined to carve my own success story, I eagerly signed up for her program. Experience and Transformations Embarking on Coach Selasie’s Reset 10 program in January 2021 marked the beginning of a profound journey. Over the course of four months, I witnessed significant changes both physically and emotionally. Shedding approximately 24 kg wasn’t just about losing weight; it was about reclaiming my health. Chronic lower back and joint pains, which had plagued me before the program, vanished, restoring my vitality and wellbeing. Moreover, my confidence soared to new heights, with a myriad of benefits beyond the scale. Distinguishing Features What sets Coach Selasie’s Reset Program apart is not just its effectiveness in achieving weight loss goals, but the comprehensive support and guidance provided throughout the journey. Unlike previous attempts at weight loss where I faltered due to lack of knowledge and guidance, Coach Selasie’s program equipped me with the tools and resources needed to stay committed and focused. Challenges and Rewards Undoubtedly, staying focused presented a significant challenge, particularly in the initial phases. However, through the program, I learned the importance of discipline and consistency, paving the way for lasting results. The journey, though arduous at times, was immensely rewarding, with each milestone reaffirming my determination and resilience. Inspiring Testimonials and Transformations 20 The Birthday Journal

Nongor Products The Nongor Sunshine Tea and Rich Green Blends offered as part of the program proved to be invaluable assets in my journey. Not only did the Sunshine Tea help suppress hunger, but the Rich Green Blends facilitated smooth and regular bowel movements, contributing to overall well-being. Wishes for Coach Selasie Coach Selasie, your genuine support and encouragement have been nothing short of transformative. As I celebrate my own journey of health and self-discovery, I extend heartfelt gratitude for the positive impact you’ve had on my life. As you mark your 50th birthday, may it herald the beginning of a remarkable new chapter filled with blessings and continued success. Here’s to many more years of inspiring and empowering others, blessed are you amongst Noblewomen. ♥ Before After The Birthday Journal 21

Nana Yaa (Quadsmom 2018) I was introduced to it by my Sis in the Lord, Lawyer Dorothy, a resetter too. I showed interest in her looks when we met, so she decided to sign me up for the next reset, which was in April 2024, Reset 5. Thanks, Mama Dorothy. That was where I met Coach SB, and honestly, I have no regrets. Experience and Transformations Since joining Coach Selasie’s program, the changes in my life have been profound. I have found a new family who believe in healthy stuff on the resetter page. There are a lot of important healthy tips and learning new things every now and then. Weight loss, checked! Healthy eating and drinking, checked! Staying hydrated all day, checked! Distinguishing Features While I hadn’t previously engaged in structured programs, I only try to stay healthy in my own small way. But being on the reset has changed me a lot. Challenges and Rewards The cravings were challenging, and the reward was the loss of weight within a short period. Nongor Products I have yet to try Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products yet, I will be here to give my verdict when I use any of them. But I am hopeful they are superfood. Wishes for Coach Selasie Coach, thank you for being a guiding light on this healthy lifestyle journey. It’s been a very short and fulfilling weeks with you, ma’am. Your encouragement means a lot more, and I appreciate your time and dedication to empowering others to stay healthy. However, today is your day to shine. Enjoy all the contrabands—happy birthday! Hope all your wishes come true. Cheers to your next 50, our able sexy 35-year-old Coach SB! 22 The Birthday Journal

Amazing Grace My introduction to Coach Selasie and her reset program came through my husband, who was her mate in university. Our connection grew stronger when she launched her Nongor brand on Facebook, prompting me to join. I was searching for healthier options to manage my weight and get fit, and Coach Selasie’s program seemed like the perfect solution. Experience and Transformations Working with Coach Selasie has brought about significant changes that I never thought possible. Through the process of learning, unlearning, and relearning, I have achieved what once seemed impossible. Distinguishing Features What sets this Reset Program apart from others I’ve tried is its focus on addressing the various hormonal needs of women. Coach Selasie’s program recognizes that women’s bodies function differently, and it tailors its approach accordingly. Challenges and Rewards The most challenging aspect of the program for me has been losing weight. However, the rewards of my efforts have been immense, both physically and emotionally. Nongor Products My overall experience with Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products has been nothing short of awesome. The products are of high quality and have contributed significantly to my overall wellbeing. Wishes for Coach Selasie Happy Birthday Coach Selasie! As we move into the next decade, I envision your Nongor brand expanding globally, reaching every corner and making a significant impact on women’s health. May your continued success empower women to lead healthier lives and inspire positive change worldwide. The Birthday Journal 23

Margaret Parker My sister Mary first introduced me to Coach Selasie and the Nongor Reset program. I embarked on my first reset in October 2023. Experience and Transformations Since working with Coach Selasie, I have lost quite a bit of weight, although I have unfortunately gained some back. However, I am still lighter and healthier than when I first started. I have found the boot camps very helpful. Distinguishing Features What sets the Nongor reset program apart from others I’ve tried is its focus on educating us to eat healthy and improve our health inside and out. Challenges and Rewards The most challenging thing about the program is the 2-3 day water fasts and fat fast foods. However, I find the whole experience rewarding. Nongor Products My overall experience with Nongor Products has been very rewarding. I love the Nongor products as they are of high quality and have contributed positively to my health journey. Wishes for Coach Selasie Coach Selassie, may your passion for improving women’s health continue to grow and flourish. Your dedication to this cause is truly commendable, and I have no doubt that you will continue to make a difference in the lives of many. 24 The Birthday Journal

Kate Neequaye My journey with Coach Selasie and her life-saving reset program began when my friend Dorcas Ofasi shared her experience and introduced me to our dear coach and the program. This introduction became a pivotal moment for me as I was seeking to lose weight and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Experience and Transformations Since working with Coach Selasie, I have experienced significant changes and improvements in my life. These include weight loss, enhanced health, and an overall sense of well-being. Moreover, I have gained much more confidence and inner joy and peace. Distinguishing Features What sets this Reset Program apart from others I’ve participated in is its departure from selfplanned fastings and exercises, which were not sustainable for me in the past. Coach Selasie’s program offers a structured approach that prioritizes sustainable lifestyle changes, making it more effective in the long run. Challenges and Rewards One of the most challenging aspects of the program has been balancing work commitments with the reset routine. However, the rewards of achieving my ideal weight and experiencing improved health have made every challenge worthwhile. Nongor Products My overall experience with Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products has been very positive. They are healthy, natural, and potent, contributing to my overall well-being and enhancing the effectiveness of the program. Wishes for Coach Selasie On your 50th Birthday, I pray for an abundance of grace and peace in all your endeavors. May your work continue to positively impact the lives of others, bringing them health and happiness in the name of Jesus Christ. Before After The Birthday Journal 25

Ekua Bartlett-Mingle One day while browsing on Facebook, I stumbled upon Coach Selasie, where she shared her personal story and her reset program. Her journey resonated with me, prompting me to delve deeper into her program. Experience and Transformations I joined Coach Selasie’s program in December 2018, and my experience has been nothing short of transformational. What I found most enriching was joining the Nongor community, where Coach Selasie freely shares tips not only on weight loss but also on improving overall health and wellness. Distinguishing Features What sets this Reset Program apart from others I’ve participated in is its focus on individual needs. Coach Selasie’s passion to help women and her commitment to everyone’s success are evident in the personalized support provided. Challenges and Rewards The most rewarding aspect of Coach Selasie’s program is being part of a community of like-minded individuals. While the journey has its challenges, learning from the struggles and victories of others has been invaluable. Nongor Products My overall experience with Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products has been exceptional. The products are of high quality, and their consistent use has helped me overcome gastric issues, contributing to my overall well-being. Wishes for Coach Selasie Happy 50th Birthday Coach! In the coming decade, I pray for your vision for Nongor to flourish and expand. May God grant you the strength, wisdom, and grace to see your dreams come to fruition. Your dedication to your purpose is truly inspiring, and I believe great things lie ahead for you. Before After 26 The Birthday Journal

Natania Bartlett-Mingle I discovered Coach Selasie’s reset program through my mum, who had remarkable results after joining. Her encouragement led me to try one reset with her, and it was truly life-changing. Experience and Transformations Through Coach Selasie’s program, I’ve learned to make healthier choices and prioritize mindful eating. The resets helpedme realize thatmy body thrives on nourishment, not overindulgence. Distinguishing Features Unlike other programs, Coach Selasie’s reset program focuses on fostering long-lasting lifestyle changes. It empowered me to maintain a healthy lifestyle even after completing the resets, ensuring sustained results. Challenges and Rewards The most rewarding aspect of Coach Selasie’s program was the internal transformation I experienced. Overcoming bloating and feeling rejuvenated after just a few days on a reset was incredibly fulfilling. Nongor Products Nongor products have been instrumental in cleansing my system and supporting my health journey. They’ve been a great addition to my wellness routine. Wishes for Coach Selasie Happy Birthday Coach Selasie, my wish for you is continued growth and success in the years to come. May you keep impacting countless lives positively and inspiring others to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Your commitment towellness is making a difference, and I am grateful to be a part of your journey. Before After The Birthday Journal 27

Sarah Norkor Anku My friend Sophia was the one who initially introduced me to Coach Selasie and her reset program. Hearing about Sophia’s success story and how she used the program to lose weight inspired me to give it a try, especially when I had lost all hope in getting back into shape. Experience and Transformations Since working with Coach Selasie, I’ve experienced significant changes. I lost 20kg within a couple of months, averaging 6kg per reset. Although I’ve gained back some weight due to not maintaining my weight diligently, I’ve managed to keep off 15kg with occasional resets. Distinguishing Features What sets this Reset Program apart is its effectiveness in keeping the weight off unless one consciously overindulges or neglects healthy habits. Challenges and Rewards The most challenging aspect was the period of ketosis during resets, but the results were worth the effort. Nongor Products My overall experience with Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products has been great. They help keep belly fat off, which works perfectly for me. Wishes for Coach Selasie Happy 50th Birthday Coach! My wish for you in the next decade is success and God’s abundant blessings. Your program has changed lives, and your patience and dedication are commendable. I pray you receive bountiful rewards for your sacrifices and service to mankind. Before After 28 The Birthday Journal

Michella While I initially learned about Coach Selasie and her reset program directly from Selasie herself, it was the remarkable transformation of a mutual friend who had experienced the program that truly inspired me to sign up. Before After Experience and Transformations Since working with Coach Selasie, I have experienced significant changes, most notably in my weight loss journey. I have actually lost a lot of weight, which has been a rewarding experience. Distinguishing Features What sets this Reset Program apart from others I’ve participated in is its unique approach to water intake and weight maintenance. The emphasis on staying hydrated and sustaining weight loss has been particularly beneficial for me. Challenges and Rewards The most challenging aspect of the program has been the plentiful intake of water, but the rewards of maintaining the lost weight have been great. The program’s focus on hydration has contributed to my weight loss success. Nongor Products My overall experience with Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products has been great. They have played a significant role in supporting my weight loss journey and enhancing my health. Wishes for Coach Selasie Happy Birthday Coach! As we look ahead to the next decade, my wish for you is for a life filled with longevity and vibrant health. I hope to see your program reaching individuals worldwide, offering them the same transformative experience that I’ve been fortunate enough to have. I pray for your continued success and prosperity as you continue your impactful work. The Birthday Journal 29

Mansa Agyare I first encountered Coach Selasie and her reset program when I ran into my friend Sarah at St. James. It looked like she had lost about 4 dress sizes, which left me in awe. Witnessing her transformation was truly inspiring, especially as I was gearing up for my milestone birthday and a photoshoot. Wanting to look and feel my best for the occasion, I was determined to shed some weight for the birthday shenanigans. Experience and Transformations Working with Coach Selasie brought about a significant mindset shift for me. I realized the need for a lifestyle change beyond just my birthday event. Additionally, the accountability factor of sharing my weight daily during the Reset has been crucial in keeping me on track and preventing cheating. Distinguishing Features What sets this Reset Program apart is the token cost. I was able to sign myself and other family members immediately. I love the consistent engagement level of Coach Selasie with the resetters. Her transparency about her personal struggles with weight maintenance, especially as she approaches 50, is inspiring. I also appreciate her sharing her big dreams and aspirations for her Nongor brand. Challenges and Rewards The most challenging aspect for me is noticing how my body reacts when I don’t get enough rest. However, the rewards of feeling healthier and more confident make every challenge worth it. Nongor Products I haven’t had the opportunity to try Coach Selasie’s Nongor Products yet. Wishes for Coach Selasie Happy Birthday, Coach! May the generations that you transform rise up to call you blessed as you continue to impact lives in the next decade and beyond. Before After 30 The Birthday Journal

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1. Prepare Your Mind, Your Body, And Your Environment Good preparation for a Reset also means having all the items we need ready and at hand before Day 1 (Monday Morning). This includes your scale, your tape measure, your phone for taking your pics, water, and electrolyte ingredients. Preparation is key if you want good results in your Reset. The most important thing to prepare is your mind. Please ensure your scale has working batteries, functions properly, and is with you every morning this week. 2. Deal breakers WEIGH-INS and WAIST MEASUREMENTS are a must FIRST THING every morning. This is a very important request. Daily (before 11 am), without these, Coach won’t be able to measure your progress and adjust what we are doing to suit you. Kindly COMPLY, PLEASE, with daily reporting of your weight. 3. Hydration Dedicate your morning to hydration. Drink your water. Sip, sip, sip. Ensure you make electrolyte water and sip on it, especially when you feel low, unwell, weak, or faint. It will give you a little pick-meup. Try not to drink water after 7 PM so you can get a good night’s rest without waking up to go to the bathroom and disrupting your sleep. 4. Contraband Foods Don’t eat contraband foods and pretend you can’t remember consuming them. Those four pieces of nuts you ate don’t just evaporate into thin air. Your body has to process them, and it will recognize every carb and protein in there. 5. Oops, I Ate It Again Don’t fret over slip-ups. If you’ve veered off course, reset with a water fast the next day to kick start fat burning mode. Be honest about what you’ve consumed—every bite counts, especially if you’re battling hormonal challenges. Reset Rules: 10 Insider Tips for Success 32 The Birthday Journal

6. Hide and Your Room Escape the hunger pangs by retreating to your room. Engage in activities like working on the computer, reading a book, or playing music to distract yourself from food cravings. Alternatively, go for a leisurely walk. Even a short stroll surprisingly can give you a bit more energy if you are feeling a bit weak. 7. Soothing Slumber Secrets If you don’t sleep well, you can’t maintain your weight, let alone lose excess. No magic will make it happen unless you consistently sleep deeply and well—preferably at night in accordance with the natural circadian rhythm (which basically means sleeping early so you can wake up at the same time as the roosters’ crow in your village). Take refuge in the realm of dreams! If you happen to dream about food, indulge guilt-free—after all, dream food doesn’t count! Just make sure you don’t sleepwalk to the kitchen for real snacks. ️ 8. Strength in Numbers Embrace community support during your reset journey. Share your struggles and victories openly, as many others—including Coach Selasie herself—can relate. Reach out for assistance if needed, and commit to doing your best without hiding or shame. 9. Read all the Great Quotes “It’s not about being the best, it’s about being better than you were yesterday” - Roy Rogers. “Identifying the pattern is awareness, choosing not to repeat the cycle is growth” - Iambrillyant. “Don’t wish for it, work for it. 10. Celebrate your wins with before and after pictures They’re inspirational and can motivate you, even with just a 5-day comparison. Seeing the difference in your body through these pictures can spur you on to achieve more. Reward yourself when you reach a milestone. Treat yourself to something special, like a spa day, a new outfit, or a relaxing evening at home with your favourite movie. Remember, celebrating wins, no matter how small, is crucial for staying motivated, focused, and committed to your goals. So, don’t hesitate to celebrate every step of the way! 33 The Birthday Journal

From Coach Selasie’s Birthday Wall Happy Birthday to a remarkable woman of God who embodies the grace, strength, and wisdom of a true mother. I believe that your love and guidance have shaped countless lives. May this special day be filled with all the joy and blessings you deserve. Here is to celebrating you, not just today, but every day, for the incredible person you are. Wishing you a year ahead filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness. Happy Birthday! Dr. Andrews Happy birthday, Pastor Selasie! May your heart be filled with laughter all day long. Amen. Happy glorious birthday to you, Pastor Selasie. May the Lord continue to bless you and fill your mouth with laughter, joy, and victory all the days of your life. We love you. Patrick, Joyce, Zara, Ziva, Zele Zion Bulmuo Happy birthday to you, Mummy! What a joy it is to see the big 50 and to be a participant on this day with you. It’s my prayer that you will step into speed this year. You will accomplish much with little, doors of higher heights and realms of revelation will be granted unto you. Grace, grace, grace, coupled with the trumpet of jubilee, a season of rest, laughter, no struggle, more than enough, and the return of all lost over the years. I celebrate you, Mummy. Happy 50th Birthday! Pastor Joshua A Happy 50th birthday to the remarkable Mama G! Your dedication, love, and support have been an inspiration to all of us. May this milestone year bring you abundant blessings, joy, and fulfilment in all that you do. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the church and for being a beacon of light in our lives. Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Happy birthday! Eric, Esther, Eliese-Rose, Erica, and Elias.... Happy golden jubilee. Welcome to the 5th floor. 5 decades of God’s faithfulness. To God be all the Glory. Happy birthday, Selase. May God grant you good health, joy, and peace in the many years to come. Enjoy your special day. Edith Agbeko Happy birthday to you, Mummy. You are a blessing. God richly bless you. Sandra Congratulations, Selasie, on your Golden Jubilee. This is the doing of the Lord. We thank God for your life and the blessings you have been in our lives. We pray that as you have watered, may you be watered as well. May the years ahead bring you bigger and greater testimonies to God’s glory. Enjoy your day. Happy 50th Birthday. With best wishes from Madeline Happy Birth Anniversary to you, ma’am. Thank you for all you do, all you represent. Your contagious smile and simplicity yet spiritual fierceness are endearing. As you enter into a new season, it shall be your season of the NEW and the NEXT. Greater Grace, Greater Glory in Jesus’ name. May God fill your mouth with LAUGHTER, may your greatest asset in this new season be the PRESENCE OF GOD, may God make you a case study of RESTORATION in Jesus’ name. Amen. I love you, ma’am. Mary Tori Jesu Alemu Happy Golden jubilee, Selasie. I thank God for your life. I pray the next 50 years will be more glorious. Enjoy your special day, woman of God. Hugs, Audrey aka (daddy’s only daughter) Ezee bube see how far the Lord has brought you…To my very own Ma mere. Woezɔ oo Woezɔ to your Jubilee! Indeed, see how far the Lord has brought you - 5 decades of His goodness and great grace, all we can say is Akpe na Mawu I am especially thankful to God for your life and for all that you are to me as well as the many women you carry on your shoulders both spiritually and physically. You are not just an exemplar of sagacity, but more so you’re a woman of the Word, deliberate, thoughtful, and a source of great comfort in turbulent times. I celebrate your unparalleled passion for spiritual and physical wholesomeness. Your vision and birth of Nongor have transformed and healed so many lives; for this, God bless you. I commend your next 5 decades to God and to the word of His grace which is able to keep you. May He continue to joy over you with singing and certainly, your latter will be greater than the former. Wishing you a fierce and fabulous 50th Birthday!!! Wow 50 looks good on you lol As always, Moi Wishing you a very happy birthday, dearest Osofo Selassie. I thank God for your beautiful life and how far he has brought you. I pray that you continue to abound in the grace of God. I pray that as you step into a new year and beginning of a new decade, new doors of opportunity and heights will be opened to you. Divine acceleration in your ministry and every responsibility of your life. Happy blessed birthday. From Baaba, Bedford Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations, Dooooo!! We thank God for your life and how far He has brought you. Fifty wonderful years on this earth can’t just be taken for granted, especially for a wonderful person like you who has impacted lives in diverse dimensions. I really thank God for your life and wish you a powerful birthday. May the Lord continue to guide your steps and help you accomplish your mission on this earth. May the years ahead 34 The Birthday Journal

of you be filled with peace, joy, good health, and laughter!! Once again, Happy birthday!!! Enjoy your day!! Forever Doooooooo!!!! Rev. John Awuni Happy, Glorious, and Blessed Golden Jubilee Woman of God. May you continue to enjoy the goodness of God. More anointing for the tasks ahead. Stay blessed and enjoy your day. Makota and Family A happy, satisfying birthday on your golden 50th birthday. I thank God for your service to God and mankind. I pray for more grace, favor, anointing, prosperity, long life, and good health. You look beautiful at your 50. Love you beyond measure. I miss you too much. ❤️ ♥️ ♥️ From Grandma Julie from Bolga- Ghana Many were born on the same day, on the same timeline, and year as you across the globe, but I guess not all of them lived to witness this day. You are one of the favored ones chosen for longevity and impact on this planet. I wish you a happy and blissful 50th birthday. May you live long, be healthy, and fulfill your mission here on earth. You are blessed. Ike Tetteh (UCC) Happy 50th birthday to you, Selassie. It’s been an amazing journey so far. From our days on Cape Vars campus, to when you recommended me to your dad to handle some of his investments at my bank, through to knowing you and your amazing husband, Sir Grant for over 30 years, I know your testimony is sure and that this is the doing of the Lord!! My prayer for you is that may He continue to bless you and give you sound health, peace of mind, and prosperity. You are an amazing woman, friend, and sister. Live long and prosper. John Amuah Wow wow, happy birthday! May his blessings shower more glorious years in your lifetime. Fill your life with laughter and dancing. Live long. Happy birthday Kporm! Stronger every day! Bolder by the day! More and more gracious with every passing moment. Your fingers fighting the battles they have been trained to engage and your hands engaging in wars you’re destined to win. You’re rare my friend. You standing on the shoulders of our savior Jesus Christ have made the obstacle course of life look easy for all who think it’s insurmountable. Alas! The sound of JUBILEE! Your YEAR OF JUBILEE! All blessings from Jubilee be bestowed on you my warrior friend. Happy birthday Selassie! The J in SEJA! Happy birthday Woman of God. Divine grace and mercy continue to speak on your behalf. We love you and stay blessed. Happy glorious birthday Pastor Selasie! On this beautiful day, we bless God for your life. May your oil increase and never dry, goodness, favor, grace, mercy, good health, and prosperity be your portion in Jesus’ Name. Enjoy today to the fullest. Nana Ama Your life is a gift from God. May your birthday be filled with all the good things in life - health, wealth, happiness, success, and long life. It’s time to celebrate you, congratulations on your 50th birthday! Pas Nat Happy Birthday Pastor Selasie! May God continue to bless you. Wishing you a happy and glorious birthday. With love, Priscilla S Happy 50th anniversary! Happy birthday, woman of God. I pray for the Lord’s mercy, grace, and favor over your life. I wish you good health and more anointing in your new age. May you excel and accomplish all that God has called you to do. Happy birthday, dearest Selasie. Celebrating Father’s goodness with you. You have been a blessing not just to your children but to many more. May the decades ahead launch you into a great harvest for all your labor of love. Blessings. Happy, happy birthday, woman of God. As you blow out your candles, may the light of the Lord always shine on you, and His warmth shall be a comfort. I witness God’s love every day in the fact that He allowed me to meet you. Blessings on your birthday. Happy 50th birthday, Mummy! I hope that you have an amazing day. May God bless you abundantly. You are such a blessing to many, may God continue to strengthen and guide you in all your ways. Gifty God bless you, Pastor Selasie! You’re an amazing woman, and all of us here in the Essel Family celebrate you today as you hit your jubilee year. Thank you for your commitment to the Lord; you’re an irreplaceable gift to our generation. HAPPY DAY OF BIRTH. The Essel Family Happy birthday, Pastor Selasie! Wishing you a wonderful and amazing birthday on your special day. God bless you and your family. Love from Jenny Welcome to the 5th Floor!! Selasie was my senior at Mawuli School, and I really admired her intelligence, humility, and beauty! She was an epitome of beauty with brains. As God will have it, I met you at UCC, and you played the role of a spiritual mother to most of us. I remember the dawn prayers you led with zeal and passion at the school’s chapel. I vividly remember the accurate word of knowledge you gave me. Thank God that the fire of God still burns even hotter today. I reminisce about your visit to Texas!!! Oh my God, it felt like God sent one of His angels to do welfare check on me!!! It was a short but fun visit. Selasie, you’ve touched many in so many ways with your obedience to the calling of God, and He indeed will crown you with rewards that He alone can do. We love you dearly!!! Tilly, Enam, Sedi, and Setor. The Birthday Journal 35

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The Birthday Journal 37

Happy birthday to a friend, a sister, and a woman of God. Welcome to the fifth floor. Wow! Just checked and noticed we have known each other for nearly 31 years (1993 UCC). May God strengthen you and enlarge your territory. May you be a source of encouragement and blessing to many. As you celebrate your special day, may you always have a cause to laugh. You are blessed and highly favored, Daavi. With lots of love from Efo Atta. Happy birthday, Pastor Selasie! We thank God for your life. We pray for another 50 years of blessing and fulfillment in all areas of your life. Debora Quarshie ❤️ To our dear Pastor Selasie, wishing you all of God’s blessings on this special jubilee milestone birthday. May Jehovah grant your deepest desires and lead you beside still waters in this new chapter. Great grace, uncommon oil, and running over are your portion in this new season. Very happy birthday. MQ Happy birthday, Mommy. May the Lord both satisfy you and be your satisfaction as the theme of this year goes. You’re and have been a great blessing. Boaz Happy Glorious Birthday Coach Selassie! You are one of a kind! Tenacious, intelligent, hardworking, spiritual, beautiful, resilient, and amazing! Can’t find the words to describe you! You are simply incredible. ❣️ ❣️ ❣️ Thanks a million for giving me the gift of fasting and a natural way of living a healthier life! May God bless you abundantly! Live long to spread the life-saving knowledge! Akpe kakaaaka❣️ ❣️ ❣️ From La Sophie❤️ Wishing you a very happy birthday Ps Selasie. We pray that the coming years will be the best of your life. May the Lord fulfill you and give you unusual testimony. May the years ahead be filled with favor, blessings, and more grace. Happy birthday enjoy your special day. Auntie Sabina Dearest Pastor Selasie, Today, as you celebrate your 50th birthday, we rejoice in the remarkable woman you are and the countless blessings you have brought into our lives. This milestone is a testament to your strength, wisdom, and unwavering faith, and it is an honor to join in this celebration of your life. Over the years, you have touched the hearts of many, extending your love, compassion, and guidance to all who seek solace in your presence. Your selflessness and dedication to serving others have been a shining example of Christ’s love in action. You have shown us what it means to live a life of purpose and to make a difference in the lives of those around you. Your role as a pastor’s wife has been one of grace and leadership. You have stood by your husband’s side, offering support, encouragement, and a listening ear. Your unwavering faith in God’s plan and your commitment to the ministry have inspired not only the congregation but also those who have had the privilege of knowing you personally. As we celebrate this milestone birthday, we reflect on the countless ways you have impacted our lives. Your genuine care, wise counsel, and nurturing spirit have touched our hearts and helped shape us into better individuals. Your prayers have uplifted us in times of need, and your words of encouragement have provided strength when we felt weak. Today, we celebrate not only your 50 years of life but also the legacy you have created. Your love has transcended boundaries and touched lives far and wide. Your kindness has left an indelible mark on our hearts, and your devotion to God’s work has been an inspiration to us all. As you step into this new decade of life, may it be filled with joy, peace, and abundant blessings. May you find fulfillment in every endeavor and continue to shine your light upon everyone you encounter. May God’s grace and favor be with you, guiding you every step of the way. Happy 50th birthday, dear Pastor Selasie! Thank you for being a beacon of hope, a source of strength, and a vessel of God’s love in our lives. Today and always, we celebrate you and the incredible impact you have made. May this birthday be the beginning of an extraordinary chapter filled with joy, love, and fulfillment. With heartfelt wishes, Adwoa and Wilson It has always been a blessing since meeting and knowing you. You have poured your heart into the ministry and the church as a whole. May the new milestone in your live continue to give you the oil that we can tap from. Happy Birthday Mommy. Congratulations! Happy Blessed Glorious 50th Birthday Mumzy! This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it! Hallelujah! God has truly blessed us with such an amazing WOG, a rare gem from heaven, an uncommon great trailblazer. A great light to us. May God shower you with uncommon abundance of great wealth, and bless you with all your heart desires that’s never ending! I love you loads. Catherine xxxx Happy birthday Pastor Selasie. Wishing you a great day and an amazing year. You make 50 look fabulous. From Vera & Family Happy Golden Jubilee to a wonderful mother, mentor, inspirer, and woman of God. What can we say on this special occasion that celebrates your 50th birthday? Your influence on us has been immeasurable and cannot be captured in words. Your strength and determination to live life to the fullest have been inspiring to us all. Your impact is immense and will continue to be felt for many years to come. Thank you, Mama Selasie, for leading by example and showing us how to live a life worth emulating. We love you and wish you a very happy 50th birthday. Ps. Sam & Lady Sharon 38 The Birthday Journal

Pastor Selasie, we wish you a very happy 50th birthday. As you hit this new milestone in your life, we pray for the continuous blessing of God upon your life. May you experience a fresh anointing for the next level. The Lord bless you and keep you; may He lift his countenance to shine on you. Be blessed as you enjoy the goodness of the Lord. With our very best wishes, Chris Adehokey and family. Happy Birthday, Pastor Selasie! May the good God we serve bless your special day with abundant blessings, overflowing grace, profound wisdom, serene peace, and boundless prosperity. Here’s to a year ahead filled with joy, fulfillment, and divine favor in all your endeavors! ❤️ Caleb & Family Happy 50th Birthday Selash. I wish you good health, long life, and God’s abundant blessings for the next 50 years of your life. May every dream that has not yet materialized speedily come into reality. Welcome to the 5th floor. Zuba Happy Golden Birthday Pastor Selasie, as you celebrate your Golden Jubilee, may God’s light shine upon you and guide you in every step you take. May He bless you abundantly today and always. Keep being amazing. Lots of love ❤️ Rosa We celebrate you for your good heart, humility, benevolence. The good Lord gives you strength, good health, prosperity on all sides, and more grace to move from victory to victory. Happy Birthday!!! From Esenam Happy Birthday Mummy!!! Thank you for all your love, sacrifices, encouragement, and prayers. We love you so much. Dzifa & Phoebe! Dear Pastor Selasie, I would like to wish you a very happy 50th birthday! We are grateful to God for bringing you this far and for using your life experiences to inspire and teach us to become better Christians and couples. Your guidance during our MP3 program helped us overcome challenges in our marriage. We appreciate your prayers and support during difficult times, and your passion for the things of God is evident in your strong desire for holiness and reverence to Yahweh. We appreciate you. Mr Darko Happy 50th Birthday, my beautiful Mummy. A spirit-filled woman whose heart is fully after God and a special gem to the Kingdom of God. If people will tell the truth, you have made an impact in so many people’s lives especially women. Your wise counsel, prayers, and guidance have shaped me into the woman I am today (I almost said girl, who am I kidding? lol) You are so special to me, I just know that my life depended on you to be who God wanted me to become. You are full of godly wisdom and it’s one of my favorite things about you. I pray for new adventures to conquer, new experiences that add to the wisdom God has given you, and new heights to soar in this new age. Keep shining. I love you so much . Oforiwah Happy birthday Pastor Selasie!! Thank you for everything you have done throughout the years. You have been a blessing to everyone you have come into contact with. Thank God for bringing you into a new season of your life. I pray it will be full of unending joy, laughter, peace, and rewards in every aspect of your life. You will accomplish much more in this new chapter of life. Have a lovely time celebrating! Salome xxx Congratulations half a century to the woman of God. Happy glorious birthday. Your impact is massive Your dedication to your calling is inspiring. I pray that you will gain new strength and grow stronger each day. We love your coaching and ministry. Enjoy your new age gracefully. C. Asare Happy 50th Birthday, Dearest Pastor Selasie! On this special milestone, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering faith, guidance, and dedication. Your wisdom and compassion have touched countless lives, including mine, and your leadership has been of hope and strength for many. May this year be filled with joy, health, and God’s abundant blessings. Thank you for your inspiring example and for being a shepherd to us all. I pray for many more years of your incredible wisdom and grace upon your life. I appreciate you always. Mrs. Hackman as you call me. ❤️ Happy Golden Jubilee, Coach Selasie! We celebrate a beautiful legacy of faith, resilience, and compassion! May the Lord who has carried you over the years continue to uplift and honour you! “Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Selasie, whose right hand I have held—to subdue nations before her and loose the armour of kings, to open before her the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut: ‘I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel.” Isaiah45:1-3 The Birthday Journal 39