
LLove is an emotional attachment to the good things of life. Fall in love with honesty, integrity, justice, good will, and success. Live in the joyous expectancy of the best, and invariably the best will come to you. Dr. JosephMurphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind 3 The Birthday Journal

Amid the vast network of friendships, Jayne shines as an extraordinary thread. If you ever wondered who could perform a challenging classical piece with no prior experience or conquer an impossible assignment, Jayne confidently points to ‘Mansa, Akua, or Michael.’ No matter how impossible the task, Jayne will find a resource to assist you. She’s not merely resourceful; she’s great at problem-solving. Initially, I thought, ‘Wow! My friend tends to exaggerate!’ But as I got to know her better, I realised Jayne genuinely believes in people and possesses a rare and precious pure heart. I’ve benefited from her support, as she’s generously connected me with numerous business opportunities through referrals. A simple ‘Are you having an event? Mansa can do it,’ from her ensures the job is secured. Over time, the term ‘exaggeration’ transformed into something more fitting. If Weaving Threads of Friendship By Mansa Agyare E N T H U S I A S M J A Y N E ’ S I had to pick one word to describe Jayne, it would undoubtedly be ‘enthusiastic.’ This term originates from the Greek ‘en’ (meaning ‘in’) and ‘theos’ (meaning ‘God’). Jayne’s enthusiasm is a divine force that empowers and uplifts those around her. She ignites a spark of optimism and belief in the extraordinary capabilities of those she loves. The precise moment or decade when Jayne and I evolved from friends to best friends may remain elusive, but the defining moments along our journey are clear. Our friendship didn’t fully bloom during our school days at Christ the King School, where we were classmates but not especially close. Instead, it blossomed on a day filled with palpable excitement when Jayne asked me to go with her to pick up her five-year-old sister, Baaba, from the kindergarten block at school. Jayne’s enthusiasm in ensuring her sister’s care and adjustment left an indelible mark. Our bond strengthened during our time in the 6th form at Holy Child School. Jayne, as the Entertainment Prefect, organised fantastic events that brought excitement to our school life. Alongside her entertaining pursuits, Jayne found solace in attending rosary prayers, 4 The Birthday Journal

particularly during May and October when we had daily prayers. I can vividly see her gracefully ascending the chapel stairs, kneeling in front of the altar, and leading our rosary prayers. Perhaps it was during the enchanting decade when we rendezvoused in the City of Lights – Paris. Picture us, meeting up with Efua, seizing a weekend to immerse ourselves in the wonders of this metropolis. Our days were a delightful whirlwind of exploring the captivating streets, strolling along the Seine, and pausing to admire the Eiffel Tower’s shimmering elegance as it lit up the night. As we dined, we shared stories, laughter, and dreams over glasses of fine Bordeaux, the rich wine mirroring the depth of our friendship. But the best era of all was when we both relocated to Ghana around the same time. As neighbours, we laughed, shared the joys and challenges of raising young children, had immense fun, and our kids bonded. We reminisced about our school days, reconnected with our classmates, and made new lifelong friendships. Then came the decade when spirituality took centre stage in our lives. We made a conscious decision to focus on our faith with Jesus as our guiding light. This was a period to ‘Rediscover Jesus’ and discover Father Cyril, leading us on a profound and transformative spiritual journey. Regardless of when it all began, Jayne has been a beautiful fixture in my life for the last five decades. Even when we haven’t seen eye to eye, or if she’s unintentionally offended me in some way, I’m always ready to forgive and move forward. Why? Because I wholeheartedly understand that she never harbours malicious intent. One thing is for certain – she has a pure heart. Jayne possesses a unique ability to amplify her love and appreciation for things and people. If she likes something, she will tell everyone about it, and if she likes you, she will sing your praises to the world. Happy birthday, Jayne! On your birthday, I cannot help but sing your praises to the world. Your presence in my life is a gift, and I eagerly look forward to the continued journey of shared, unstoppable adventures and cherished memories with you. Cheers to a beautiful friendship that has spanned decades and promises even more exciting chapters to come. I love you loads! If I had to pick one word to describe Jayne, it would undoubtedly be ‘enthusiastic.’ “ 5 The Birthday Journal

JIn the rich mosaic of JayneWaldron Abena Nanyin’s life, the threads of love, friendship, and joy are woven together, creating a beautiful collage of memories and connections. As she reaches her 50th birthday, family and friends from around the world gather to celebrate the remarkable woman she is. J A Y N E A L I F E C E L E B R A T E D I N L O V E 6 The Birthday Journal

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For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 “ 9 The Birthday Journal

My Dearest Jayne, You, my first-born and the eldest of five beautiful sisters, came into this world on a bright November day in 1973. From that moment, you filled my life with an indescribable joy that continues to this day. As your mother, I want to tell you how profoundly proud I am of the remarkable person you’ve become. From your early days, you displayed a unique combination of determination and obedience that has continued to shape your life. When you set your sights on something, you pursued it with persistence. As a toddler, even your love for bananas, which you adamantly insisted on having the moment you laid eyes on them, was charming and displayed your tenacity. That’s how your nickname ‘Mpua’ came into being, a loving nod to your beloved bananas. You’ve always been a beacon of kindness and generosity, with a heart ever-willing to share whatever you had with others. Your capacity for self-sacrifice knows no bounds. I remember a particularly touching moment when you were working at JPMorgan in Geneva. You noticed my admiration for an expensive watch in a Gucci shop, and without hesitation, you made it your mission to obtain it for me. This selfless act spoke volumes about your character and your deep love for family. Your name, Jayne Waldron Abena Nanyin, reflects heritage, resilience, and compassion. You continue to inspire those fortunate enough to know you, and your journey through life stands as a testament to the enduring power of love, sacrifice and kindness. You are not only my beloved daughter but also a shining example of the best that humanity has to offer. I celebrate you with heartfelt gratitude and admiration. Your love and generosity have touched us all. Happy Birthday Jayne! With all my love and pride, Mummy. From your early days, you displayed a unique combination of determination and obedience that has continued to shape your life. “ 10 The Birthday Journal

Mrs. Juliana Imbeah-Ampiah “ You’ve always been a beacon of kindness and generosity, with a heart ever-willing to share whatever you had with others. 11 The Birthday Journal

How it started 12 The Birthday Journal

How it’s going 13 The Birthday Journal

J Dayne, on your special day, I celebrate you. You are loving and always selflessly go out of your way to help or please others. As I reflect on our great memories, one that stands out is our unforgettable trip to Venice – it was wonderful and very romantic. For your next decade, my heartfelt birthday wish for you is that you achieve the best in all your endeavors. I wish you an abundance of happiness and fulfilment in every aspect of your life. Happy 50th Birthday, Jayne! May this year be filled with joy, love, and beautiful moments. Dom J 14 The Birthday Journal

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D Sweet Mother! Thank you for always being there for all of us. I have always admired your kind and amiable nature no matter who you’re with! A mother of 6 children with so much on her plate, yet you still make time for Parkrun on a Saturday morning. Your unbreakable relationship with God is truly inspiring. Just seeing you constantly making it to Mass every day and praying encourages my own relationship with God, and I am proud to have you as my mother! Happy birthday, Mum! D O M I N I C K 18 The Birthday Journal

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JWhat I love most about you is your kind and caring nature. You know my shortcomings, and you have always been preoccupied with helping me even when I’ve given up. It’s always the little things that make me proud of you. Every year you’ve put aside your birthday for my own. Mum, you have left a legacy of hard work, discipline, and unconditional love from which we can all draw inspiration. For that, I must say thank you, and have a wonderful birthday. J A M I E 21 The Birthday Journal

JA J U L I E - A N N E Happy 50th birthday to my amazing, caring, and flawless mother! You have always been there to provide for me and the whole family, spreading your kindness to everyone you meet. I am always inspired to be as clever as you when you solve puzzles and watch game shows, to be as joyful as you are when you see flowers, and to be as hardworking and dedicated as you are in everything you do, notably when it comes to faith and family. I cherish every single moment and memory with you and could never ask for a better woman to be my mother. May the good Lord guide and protect you in everything you do! I am eternally grateful for you. Love you, Mummy! Lots of love! 22 The Birthday Journal

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PA P E G G Y - A N N E Mummy, you are just wonderful. I admire your patience, intelligence, resilience, hard work, beauty, and kindness! You put us first no matter what and show immaculate love. You really are a Wonder Woman and such a powerful role model. Love you, Mummy! 25 The Birthday Journal

J J O N A T H A N D ear Mummy, you are very chatty and bubbly and always find a way to connect with others no matter who they are. One of the best things I love about you is that you are a brilliant cook and can always create the best and most delicious foods to eat, like your jollof or fried rice. You are also very hardworking and always push yourself in order to give us better lives and help us grow. You inspire me to better myself and always try in everything I do, due to the dedication and resilience you show in everything you do. 26 The Birthday Journal

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J A Y N E - M A R I E 29 The Birthday Journal

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Psalm 23 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall followme all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. 33 The Birthday Journal

Nellie One thing I truly admire about Jayne is her relenting faith in God. Her faith keeps her resilient in every situation, helping her face life’s curveballs with calmness and contentment “ One thing I love about Jayne is her optimism. She always looks at the bright side of things and remains unshakable “ JulieJules 34 The Birthday Journal

“ It amazes me how she always finds time to love and care for others, selflessly “ Ronkito One thing I love about Jayne is her remarkable empathy Dinah 35 The Birthday Journal

A Prayer for Happiness One thing I truly admire about Jayne is her relenting faith in God. Her faith keeps her resilient in every situation, helping her face life’s curveballs with calmness and contentment. Great memories with Jayne? Well, there are numerous memories frommy infancy, but one that stands out is her empathy. I recall a time in secondary school when I was being punished for refusing to eat breakfast in the dining room. The dining prefect threatened to make me scrub the entire assembly hall, and I called her bluff. Jayne, hearing of my situation, came running in tears to find me. To her surprise, I was not perturbed and was defiantly attempting to do my punishment. She scolded me for not conforming, advised me to pretend to eat something else in my cup, and was even ready to help me with my punishment. In reality, I didn’t know how to scrub; I just poured water and swept it away with a broom. But I loved that my sister was so caring in my plight, and she extends that care to all her friends and family. My wish for Jayne for the next decade is simple: I wish her only the best. On her golden jubilee, may everything in her life shine as brightly as her heart of gold. May the coming years bring the fulfillment of all her heart’s desires, and may the Lord, whom she has faithfully served, continue to bless all her endeavors. May she find favour with everyone, just as she has found favour with God. Amen. Remarkable Empathy and TreasuredMemories One thing I love about Jayne is her remarkable empathy. She is genuinely kind and helpful, and her actions are often guided by her strong belief in the goodness of God. When it comes to great memories with Jayne, growing up with her was a treasure trove of experiences. One memorable adventure was following her to Luna Park on Sunday evenings. Having Jayne as a big sister meant we always had exciting and fun things to do as teenagers. Looking ahead to the next decade, my wish for Jayne is that God opens the windows of heaven and pours out abundant blessings upon her. May every desire of her heart, aligned with God’s will, be granted. Dinah JulieJules 36 The Birthday Journal

Unshakable Positivity One thing I love about Jayne is her optimism. She always looks at the bright side of things and remains unshakable, even when faced with challenges. I’ve never seen a problem throw her off balance. When life gives her lemons, she effortlessly turns them into lemonade. Her positive energy is truly infectious, and I’ve benefitted immensely from this remarkable trait of hers. Whenever I seek her advice or share my concerns, I leave her company feeling calm, encouraged, and uplifted. Jayne’s optimism is a gift, and I love her for it. As for our great memories together, they are countless. At the core of all these great memories is Jayne’s beautiful smile, her charming little dance when she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror, her delighted expression when you compliment her on how fabulous she looks, her delightful sense of humor, her love for engaging conversations and dancing, her zest for life and enjoyment, and her constant updates on the latest wonderful things God has blessed her with. For the next decade, my heartfelt wish for Jayne is an abundance of God’s favor in her life. I pray that she achieves all her heart’s desires, that great doors open for her, and that she never experiences lack. May she enjoy excellent health, and may she continue to be the incredible person she is. I love you, Jayne, and I feel immensely blessed to have you as my sister. Celebrating Jayne’s BIGHeart I love Jayne’s BIG heart, which is evident in her dedication to God, her resilience, her love for caring for other people, and her passion for music and dancing! It amazes me how she always finds time to love and care for others, selflessly. I have so many great memories! I vividly remember calling Jayne one day when I was feeling down about something. When I shared with her, she gave me a pep talk and told me to put on some good music and dance! Jayne, I pray for God’s blessings, favor, peace, and joy in all areas of your life. Keep being the amazing person that you are. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. Love you loads Nellie Baffoe-Bonnie Ronkito 37 The Birthday Journal

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50 Park Runs Before 50 In life, we often set goals and aspirations, seeking to push our boundaries and achieve milestones that inspire us. As we congratulate Jayne on this incredible milestone, we celebrate not just her physical endurance but also her spirit. She reminds us that goals are not just about the destination; they are about the journey, the dedication, and the belief that we can achieve anything we set our hearts on. Our sister, Jayne, achieved a remarkable goal by completing 50 park runs on November 4th, 2023, before her 50th birthday. Rain or shine, she showed up with enthusiasm and dedication. Her achievement is a testament to her spirit and belief in oneself. Congratulations to Jayne for inspiring us all to reach for the stars, rain or shine. Jayne’s Remarkable Journey 39 The Birthday Journal

The Marvel of Resilience One thing that stands out about Jayne is her incredible resilience. Despite being a mother of six, she manages to look as good as ever. Her ability to handle the challenges of motherhood without complaint is awe-inspiring. I, for one, couldn’t imagine handling what she does with such grace and poise. I remember seeing Jayne at a birthday party in Ghana, and she was glowing. We had so much fun dancing. It was only later that she admitted she was pregnant. She looked awesome! Jayne’s ability to radiate happiness and energy, even during pregnancy, is a testament to her strength and resilience. Happy 50th, Jayne! May the coming years be even more amazing for you. TheWarmth of Jayne’s Heart One thing I absolutely love about Jayne is her amazing warmth and that beautiful, infectious smile of hers. She’s not just a superb mum but also an incredible person. Thinking about great memories with Jayne, I remember those delightful moments enjoying her delicious jollof and chicken, especially made for her “favourite aunty” – the flavours, the laughter, and the warmth of family gatherings. We’ve also had wonderful times going to the park with the kids and attending some fantastic parties in London. The laughter and camaraderie were always the highlights of these occasions. As Jayne steps into the next decade, my wish for her is an abundance of God’s blessings, an overflow of peace, a heart full of love, and, most importantly, good health. May the years ahead be filled with all the joy and success she truly deserves. My Younger Sister Jayne, you are like the younger sister I never had. Your calm and sensible nature has been a constant source of strength in my life. Our shared memories, from our time at Essex University to all the moments we’ve spent together, are treasures I hold dear. You’re an amazing cook, second only to my Mum! As you embark on the next decade, I hope you have all the time you need to relax, recharge, and recover, especially after those Sunday evening Zoom dance sessions with DJ Fisho. Here’s to many more wonderful moments and muchneeded relaxation in the years ahead. Cheers to you, dear friend! Dzifa Dotse CalmConversations One thing that stands out about Jayne is her pleasant and easy-going nature. I have fond memories of the rides home fromwork when we both worked at Tullow. Jayne lived in my area, and our conversations during those commutes were always interesting and enjoyable. As she enters the next decade, my wish for Jayne is that she experiences another level of grace and that she reaps the rewards of all the good seeds she has sown over the years. May her children and husband continue to rise and hold her in high esteem, recognising the blessings she brings to their lives. Nana Ama Appiah Betty Padi Matthew Folson 40 The Birthday Journal

Blessings and Beyond One thing I love about Jayne is her dedication to her lovely children and her willingness to help anyone, whether she knows them or not. Great memories with Jayne include meeting for the first time at St. Joseph School in the UK. Our friendship started when our sons, Dominic and James, were in reception. I’ll never forget the day she asked me, “Are you Gyan?” It’s been a beautiful friendship, and I am now the godmother to her beautiful and amazing daughter, Jayne-Marie. My wish for Jayne as she enters the fabulous fifth floor club of elegant and amazing ladies is that she continues to enjoy good health and tranquility. She’s a beautiful person inside and out, and I pray that she witnesses the joy of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. May she continue to prosper and grow in the Lord and spread her love and positivity to her children and everything she touches. We love you immensely, Jayne. Happy 50th birthday from Patrick, David, James, Peter, Joseph, Maureen, and not forgetting Kiara Rose! ❤️ The Joy of Friendship There’s so much to love about Jayne! If you’ve ever had the privilege of spending time with her, you’ll understand how and why she looks so beautiful and youthful. Jayne is a fun, kind, and positive spirit. Despite having so many birth sisters, Jayne is literally everyone’s sister! Love this woman!!! I’ve enjoyed Jayne on three continents, I think. Not surprising, since we’ve known each other for almost 40 years! Every encounter with Jayne is fun. Whether pre or post all our kids, dancing, or sitting, you’re bound to have a good laugh when she’s around. My favourite is when you’re telling Jayne a story. Her exclamations and expressions alone make it an experience! Ha! Jayne girl! I wish you continued and boundless grace in the next decade. The Birthday Journal 60th edition better have a picture of us in our bikinis somewhere tropical and living our best grown-up lives! Stay blessed and know that you’re so very loved! Yvonne and Ivy Reliving Memories Great cherished memories with Jayne take us back to the days of chain belts, R&B music, loud and vibrant colors, and mini skirts. Jayne! The leader of our Ghana Christmas party jamming season. She had an incredible zest for life, and she was always up for every party, dressed to the nines and brimming with contagious energy. We would gather at her place or ours, eagerly raiding our big sister’s fashion stock. Now, at 50, Jayne, you still exude that same contagious positive energy, joie de vivre, and timeless style. For the next decade and beyond, my heartfelt wish for God to overwhelm you with His blessings. We love you, Jayne! Maureen Arthur Nana Annan Immense Caring Nature One of the things I truly love about Jayne is her immense caring nature. She’s always willing to go the extra mile and make sacrifices to ensure your happiness. Her selflessness is something truly special. Reflecting on the past, I have some wonderful memories from our time at Holy Child School. Jayne used to braid my hair beautifully, and she never hesitated to help whenever I asked. She was always so kind and thoughtful. I’ll always remember how she agreed to swap dormitories with me when we were moving to form 4. For the next decade, my heartfelt wish for Jayne is continued good health, prosperity, and God’s unending blessings. May she be showered with joy, happiness, and the same love she has shared with others throughout her life. I wish her a fantastic and unforgettable 50th birthday. GOD BLESS YOU, Jayne! Dzifa Dapaah 41 The Birthday Journal

Abby Betty Opokua Eshun The Loving Mother and Friend One thing I truly love about Jayne is her loving and caring nature. She excels as a mother, wife, and a wonderful friend. Jayne’s ability to listen, her everpresent smile, and the calmness she radiates make her a truly special individual. One memorable experience with Jayne, is her regular calls to check up on me. These thoughtful gestures create a sense of unity, no matter the distance. As Jayne celebrates this special occasion, my heartfelt wish for her is to attain everything she desires in life. May she continue to find joy, peace, and fulfilment in all her endeavours. Happy birthday, Jayne! The Epitome of Simplicity One of the most endearing qualities I love about Jayne is her remarkably calm temperament. Throughout the time I’ve known her, I’ve never witnessed her getting angry or losing her composure. Our cherished memories together trace back to our delightful conversations and laughter in the St. Agnes dorm at Holy Child School in Cape Coast, Ghana. As Jayne steps into the next decade of her life, my heartfelt wish for her is to continue receiving an abundance of grace, blessings, and, most importantly, good health. May she enjoy many more years of joy and fulfilment. Happy 50th Birthday, Jayne! Jayne’s Humility and Radiant Smile One of the most endearing qualities I love about Jayne is her humility. She exudes a down-to-earth nature and treats everyone as equals. My great memories with Jayne are associated with our time at Christ the King and Holy Child in Ghana. Jayne’s ever-present smile, welcoming demeanour, and her love for dancing made our moments together truly special. As Jayne steps into the next decade of her life, my heartfelt wish for her is to enjoy many more healthy, beautiful, and fulfilling years. May her radiant smile never fade, and her passion for dancing continue to bring joy and energy to her life. My Cousin Jayne One thing I love about Jayne is her simplicity. I can’t recall the exact class we found out that my aunt was related to Jayne too, we were just happy to become cousins. Looking ahead to the next decade, my wish for Jayne is a life filled with longevity and good health. CherishedMoments with Jayne One thing I love about Jayne is her constant smile and easygoing nature. We worked together in EY and Tullow in Ghana. Jayne always stood out as a genuinely nice person, patient and kind. I have a great memory of when she was pregnant with her last child – our conversation on that topic was truly hilarious. Another cherished memory was when Jayne, Maria, and Bridget surprised me on my 40th birthday. As for the next decade, I pray for God’s blessings, peace, good health, long life, and prosperity for Jayne and her family. I’m grateful to have met you, Jayne. May you continue to be a blessing. Sylvia Dadson Potash Novisi 42 The Birthday Journal

Sybil Sapong Pure Authenticity One thing I absolutely love about Jayne is her pure, authentic, and kind-hearted nature. She’s always smiling, and you can count on her to empathise with you when needed. Great memories with Jayne go back to our secondary school days. During the holidays, we had some fantastic times together with my friend Sandra at Trade Fair in Accra, Ghana. My wish for Jayne in the next decade is simple: may her next chapter be filled with His everlasting joy and love. May God continue to hold her in the palm of His hand and bless her every day. Maria Clark The FriendWho Reconnects One thing I love about Jayne is the immense care and love she shows in everything she does, a trait she’s held since our high school days. A great memory with Jayne? She reached out to me out of the blue after many years of lost contact, just to wish me a happy birthday. This act meant the world to me, and I’ll always cherish it. As for the next decade, Jayne, I pray that God keeps you happy, not just on this special day but for eternity. I wish you wonderful things in the years ahead, most importantly, good health, peace, and love. On this golden anniversary, may this new age be a chapter of prosperity and bliss in your life. Happy Big Five ODarling! Dancing Through the Memories One remarkable quality that I deeply admire in Jayne is the serene calmness she displays during confrontations and conflicts. I’ve never witnessed Jayne lose her cool when provoked; instead, she responds with composure, articulating her perspective with grace and poise. Her beautiful smile, a constant companion, adds an extra layer of charm to her demeanour. During our secondary school days, when our lives were filled with youthful exuberance and the thrill of possibilities, Jayne revealed her passion for dancing. We were part of a dance group, and we shared numerous fun memories. We choreographed dances for school functions and entertained our peers with our performances. One particular dance routine presented a challenge – it required us to jump up and lift our left hand high. The confusion was evident, especially for me. In that delightful moment of perplexity, Jayne stepped in with her trademark calmness. She offered a simple yet imaginative solution: “Sybil, pretend like you are plucking a mango from the tree.” And just like that, “tee mango” in Twi, became the name of our dance routine, a memory that continues to evoke laughter and camaraderie whenever we reminisce. As Jayne celebrates her 50th birthday, my wish for her in the next decade is straightforward: may she remain as beautiful and graceful as ever. Jayne, you are an extraordinary woman, a beacon of wisdom, and a source of bright, positive energy. There is no one quite like you, and I wouldn’t want you to change a single thing. May God bless you abundantly and grant you a future filled with continued grace, happiness, and prosperity. Cynthia Hagan 43 The Birthday Journal

Nina Osei-Tutu Emefa Simplicity and Class One thing I truly love about Jayne is her simplicity and class. It’s a unique combination that enables her to connect with people from all walks of life. A pretty face who is always calm, cool, and collected; that’s a rare combination and truly special. My wish for Jayne in the next decade is that God continues to be gracious to her and everything that concerns her. May she be blessed in her going out and coming in. She’s like a tree planted by the riverside, with evergreen leaves in and out of season. Most importantly, I pray that she hears the voice of God clearly, guiding her on her path in life in Jesus’ name. AmazingWoman of Faith What do I love about Jayne? EVERYTHING! She is a truly wonderful person, brimming with kindness, care, and a heart that reaches out to others. She’s like a superwoman, constantly doing so much for those around her. Her strong faith as a God-fearing Catholic adds another layer to her amazing character. We’ve shared some fantastic moments in Ghana, where she’s proven to be a bundle of fun. One of my cherished memories was my 40th birthday, which she helped turn into a truly wonderful day. Jayne’s presence and her ability to make every moment special are something to be treasured. Beautiful Smiles and Smartness What I truly adore about Jayne are her beautiful smiles and her incredible smartness. One of my cherished memories with her goes back to our time in St. Maria’s house, where her sense of humour always brought joy to our days. For the coming decade, my heartfelt wish for Jayne is that the Good Lord grants all her heart’s desires and that she continues to excel in all her endeavours. Kadua Tigenoah-Gyasi Warmest BirthdayWishes Happy Birthday, Jayne! I’m sending you the warmest wishes for the happiest and most incredible birthday. May you have many, many more birthdays filled with good health and prosperity. Enjoy your special day to the fullest! Strength, Care, and Faith One of the remarkable qualities I admire in Jayne is her strength, care, and unwavering faith in God. We have shared great memories of sleepovers growing up in Ghana. As she enters the next decade, my wish for her is for good health and increased spiritual strength. Josephine Biney Irene Asare 44 The Birthday Journal

Sylvia Hanson Vivian Amoah (Siebu) The Epitome of Humility and Kindness What is one thing you love about Jayne, and why? Just one thing...? That is a challenge. I will try…I love her humility, selflessness, kindness, and generosity. Although we were schoolmates at Holy Child School, I truly got to know Jayne when we met in the UK. Her friendship has come to mean the world to me. She’s an honest friend and a sister who constantly encourages me to be a better version of myself. Her infectious smiles, her perpetual outlook of love and grace, her boundless generosity toward everyone she meets, and her absolute and complete reliance on God, regardless of life’s challenges, leave me in awe. There’s a lot I could say, but I am aware that Jayne would rather do the things she does to bring light and laughter into people’s lives without wanting to draw attention to herself. I will summarize it this way: where there is a need, Jayne will always sacrifice everything she has to meet that need, whether it is for a stranger, a close friend, or her family. I don’t know where she gets the energy from - she is a superwoman! My wish for Jayne for the next decade is that she continues to be the incredible, selfless, and caring person she is. Jayne, you are a special human being, and I’m so grateful to call you my friend. You’ve poured so much love and time into the lives of many, including mine. May God bless you abundantly. May the years ahead bring a bountiful harvest of all the kindness and love you’ve sown into others’ lives. My beautiful friend, I hope you enjoy excellent health, boundless happiness, and every good thing life has to offer. Much love. The Sister of Kindness and Optimism One thing I love about Jayne is her humility, prayerfulness, optimism, generosity of spirit, and reliability. Jayne is always there for me as a shoulder to cry on and a sister to laugh with. My great memories with Jayne often happen in the UK, where we share joyful moments together. On your special day, I wish you all the very best that life has to offer. I love you so much, Jayne! As we step into the next decade, my wish for you is that God grants the desires of your heart, blesses you abundantly, and elevates you in all that you do. Here’s to a wonderful future filled with joy and success! Fun and Forever Friendship What I truly love about Jayne is her wonderful personality. She has an incredible way of making me feel loved and appreciated, and being around her is always fun. We’ve had some great moments together, especially during the years when we used to drop off and pick up our children from Christ the King School. Our conversations, filled with laughter and “toli,” were a great way to start the day. Despite occasionally losing track of time, we always managed to make it to work on time. As Jayne steps into the next decade of her life, my wish for her is many more fulfilling years filled with good health, an abundance of God’s grace, and countless blessings. Adorable Kindness One thing I love about Jayne is her adorable nature and her kind heart. She’s always willing to help, going the extra mile to ensure everyone’s comfort. A great memory I have with Jayne dates back to our primary school days when she stood out with her different shade of maroon uniform and her infectious smile, making it impossible to stay upset with her. Our friendship has lasted throughout the years, from our school days to becoming parents. Our kids being close buddies feels like deja vu. For the next decade, my wish for Jayne is an awesome and fulfilling journey. I hope it brings out the best in her and sees her achieving even greater heights. May she enjoy good health, more laughter, and countless smiles. Oswald Essuah-Mensah Grace Quaye 45 The Birthday Journal

46 The Birthday Journal

“Life is like a novel. It’s filled with suspense. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page.” — Sidney Sheldon L 47 The Birthday Journal

Radiating Inner Beauty and Elegance One thing I truly love about Jayne is the way she sparkles. She’s a beauty inside and out, yet she remains simple and down to earth. She’s the kind of woman who uplifts other women. She is a true SOUL. Our memories together include sharing African proverbs, and I found her responses quite interesting. Looking ahead to the next decade, Jayne, I wish you all the blessings of God. I also wish you these three important things that you can give while still keeping them for yourself: your word, a smile, and a grateful heart. Amewoke Adamaley AHumble Heart Full of Love One striking aspect of ‘big sis’ Jayne is her humility, thoughtfulness, and deep love for GOD and family. She embodies these qualities with grace and sincerity. I have a vivid memory of her sharing a testimony about praying to GOD for something seemingly simple, particularly related to her trash pick-up. The way she expressed her exuberant joy upon receiving this blessing had me smiling for days. For the next decade, my heartfelt wish for Jayne is that her walk with the LORD deepens and grows with each passing day. May the love of the FATHER be poured into her innermost being, strengthening, nourishing, and blessing her in all aspects of her life. The Graceful and Positive Presence Jayne, your grace and poise are truly admirable. I’ve always been impressed by the calmness and positive energy you radiate. One of my fondest memories with Jayne is our time spent as chilling partners in NorthWest London. Even though we don’t talk often, when we do connect, our conversations cover everything, and it’s what makes our relationship special. As you reach this incredible milestone, Jayne, I must say you’re rocking 50 like a superstar and don’t look a day older than 21. Here’s to wishing you many more healthy, joy-filled years ahead. The chilling sessions must continue! Wishing for Joy, Happiness, and Prosperity One thing I truly love about Jayne is that she is the quintessential lady. She exudes qualities of dignity, honesty, trustworthiness, patience, and wisdom. She’s a woman after God’s own heart, and I’ve always admired her cool and calm demeanor. My great memories with Jayne are filled with gratitude. I appreciate her for being such a sweet and caring friend. Her check-in calls, brimming with advice, laughter, and giggles, are never taken for granted. Jayne, you deserve an abundance of blessings! As you celebrate this special day, Jayne, know that you are genuinely loved and appreciated. Keep on singing and dancing to praise God’s goodness and grace that surrounds you daily. May each year in the next 50 be even better, richer, and more fulfilling than the last. Happy 50th birthday! Emma King Sophia Arthur Akua Benneh 48 The Birthday Journal

A Decade of Adventure and Joy One thing I love about Jayne is her positivity. Our great memories together are from our time working at Credit Suisse in London when we were young and carefree. My wish for Jayne for the next decade is simple: keep enjoying life. Our lives have just begun, and there are many more adventures and joys to come. Going the Extra Mile One of the aspects I admire about Jayne is her care and willingness to go the extra mile to ensure a sister’s or friend’s needs are sorted. In Ghana, there are quite a lot of great memories with Jayne, but if I had to pick one, I would say when she was working with Tullow Gh Limited. It was always a joy to meet her after work to unwind. She would always welcome me with such an enchanting smile that made me forget about all the stresses of the day. For the next decade, I wish you JESUS. May the Lord make you greater and better. May His peace be yours now and always. May you be blessed in your going out and coming in, and may God crown all our efforts with overflowing success. Happy birthday, dearie! A Tribute to Benevolence One of the aspects I adore most about Jayne (pet name - Ginola) is her unparalleled benevolence. Her profound compassion and genuine sense of responsibility when it comes to loving people is truly remarkable. She personifies the essence of selflessness, demonstrating that ‘kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.’ Her infectious personality and unwavering loyalty only magnify the beauty of her heart. She embodies the roles of a wife, sister, and mother all rolled into one, a living testament to the words of Maya Angelou: “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” If I were to create an angel in today’s world, it would be Jayne, for she represents the very essence of love, compassion, and grace. One of the memories that stand out is an innocent heartfelt letter I sent to her when we were both 12 years old. In that letter, I lavished praise upon her admirable qualities, unintentionally leading to a bit of commotion. This incident brings to mind Oscar Wilde’s famous observation: “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” In this case, my expression of appreciation for Jayne’s virtues created a joyful impact on her, even though it led to unintended consequences, as her mother discovered the letter and subsequently forwarded it to the headmistress (and we all know how she is like, abi), adding an element of amusing unpredictability to our childhood friendship. The second memory is a cherished one, a memorable walk we took one cold December afternoon when we were 23. During that walk, I made a promise to Jayne, vowing unwavering support and assuring her that her place in my heart is eternally reserved. This commitment mirrors the profound sentiment expressed by David Tyson Gentry: “True friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable.” This December holds special significance for us because during that time, I met a lady whom I believed to be the most amazing person in the world, and I confided in Jayne about it. Convincing this remarkable lady of my sincerity and worthiness was an immensely challenging task, and I needed all the raps in the world, so over to you, Ginola. Instead of providing me with the lyrics, she suggested that I embark on a journey of self-improvement and redemption. Really, Really, Really, Ginola...who says that!!! These experiences, from the heartfelt letter of our youth to the complexities of that December, highlight the unpredictable yet beautiful path our friendship has taken over the years. To celebrate Jayne is to celebrate a remarkable soul whose presence in my life has been nothing short of a blessing. Ginola, may the coming decade bring an abundance of joy, good health, and continued success in all your endeavors. May you find fulfillment in your dreams and aspirations, and may your life be filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments with family and friends. May you continue to inspire and uplift those around you with your kind heart and infectious spirit. Here’s to a future filled with endless possibilities and even greater achievements. Cheers to the next decade, Jayne! Legendary DJPace Joyce Awua Maxine Amoasi 49 The Birthday Journal

Rita Hagan Friendship as Therapy One thing I love about Jayne is that being with her is like therapy. She’s not just a sister and a friend, but someone who knows you as you are, understands where you’ve been, accepts what you’ve become, and gently accommodates you while allowing you to grow. My great memories with Jayne began at Christ the King Church, where we both fellowship. I was captivated by her demeanor, her smiling face, her catwalk, and more, and I vowed to be her friend. I couldn’t muster the courage to approach her, but I managed to say hello whenever I saw her chatting with Dorothy Ahlijah. In 1986, when I gained admission to Holy Child, I met my “Miss Ghana” right in my dormitory. You can imagine the excitement. Our sisterhood was ordained by God, and it has blossomed since my admission to Holy Child. The ripple effect of our sisterhood extended to our children, Hutton (Cele), Jamie (Jayne), and Robert (Grace), who became classmates at Christ the King. This led to a series of family bonding. Jayne always calls to check up on us, and she never forgets the birthday calls. Jayne, my wish for you in the next decade is that all the goodness and kindness you’ve sown into the lives of others comes back to you tenfold. You are a true blessing, and I’m grateful for you every single day. May God continue to be with you. Linda Yeboah Modesty and Grace Jayne has always carried herself with modesty and grace. As she enters this new phase of life, my wish for her in the next decade is to continue receiving God’s blessings, to enjoy good health, and to be surrounded by laughter and an abundance of love in the years ahead. Celestine Amison-Addy A True Lady I just admire how much of a lady Jayne is - refined, polite, wellmannered and very well put-together. Most of my cherished memories with Jayne are from our time in Holy Child School, Ghana. I remember the times we spent studying together, particularly French, and her knack for storytelling. Jayne is not only a lady of refinement but also a great storyteller. As Jayne celebrates her golden age, my wish for her in the next decade is to be blessed with never-ending bliss, an abundance of love, good health, success, and, above all, God’s abundant blessings. May her journey ahead be filled with joy and prosperity. Ekow T Immaculate Elegance One thing I love about Jayne is her immaculate nature. She exudes grace and elegance. Going all the way back to the 80s, I would watch her play and interact, and I often thought to myself, “Wow, what a wonderful human!” As Jayne celebrates her 50th birthday, my wish for her in the next decade is that God grants her the desires of her heart and continues to bless her with fruitfulness in all aspects of her life. Have a fantastic birthday, and here’s to the next 50 years! Cheers, Jayne! St. Maria’s Sisters 50 The Birthday Journal

Loving Heart and Future Blessings One thing I love about my cousin Jayne is her heart. She has the most beautiful, kindest, and caring heart you’ll ever find. I absolutely love her to bits. I have so many great memories with cousin Jayne, from our childhood in Ghana to our adulthood in London after we both finished university in the same year. We shared countless fun moments, from job hunting after graduation to shopping for fancy shirts at Thomas Pink and TMLewin (on sale), because we thought it was so cool to rock them to work in the city. We also enjoyed cooking, gossiping, laughing, and dancing into the wee hours of the morning. We were always up to date with the latest London Ghana House parties in town (any postcode), and I vividly remember how we used a map book called A to Z to find our way to those parties. Sometimes we got lost a couple of times, and at times we never even found the party location, coming back home disappointed. Those were the good old days. My greatest wish for Jayne in the next decade is great health and for her to enjoy the fruits of her labour. She’s worked extremely hard as a mom and wife, raising her six beautiful kids. Now, it’s time for Jayne to relax since the kids are all grown or growing. I always tell her that this is her time for what the younger generation would call “The Soft Life.” No more school runs. Jayne deserves all the success and relaxation in the decade to come. She’s definitely paid her dues. Aba-Sah Smiles and Generosity One thing I love about Jayne is her lovely smile, and I appreciate her generosity with her time. One great memory I have with Jayne is seeing her for the first time since Monx when she visited me in Edinburgh earlier in the year with her two youngest. We had a wonderful day walking to the coast and catching up. They even brought good weather with them, making it a memorable visit. My wish for Jayne in the next decade is: Continue to be amazing Brenda Bannerman Fun Entertainment Prefect One thing I love about Jayne is her cool demeanor. I often tease her that she’s as cool as a cucumber. She has a way of making you feel special in the moment. One great memory I have with Jayne is from our days at Holy Child School where we both served as entertainment prefects. She’s a great music lover, and those days were filled with fun and laughter. My wish for Jayne for the next decade is that she experiences more grace, good health, and utmost fun. Jayne’s Timeless Smile and Positive Energy Happy 50th, Jayne! Enjoy your day with love, joy, grace, and happiness! Many more blessings as you step into this new age. In Ghana, during our time in boarding school, I have fond memories of Jayne. She was always cool, always smiling, and she still carries that smile with her to this day. She’s not one to rush her words, but she consistently injected enthusiasm and brought a positive energy into any room she entered. My wish for Jayne in the next decade is long life and good health. Maude The Joy of Enthusiasm One thing I love about Cuz Jayne is her caring nature. She always reaches out when she notices someone has a problem or is celebrating, which shows her genuine concern for others. A great memory with Jayne is when she passionately sang a song she loved even though she didn’t know all the lyrics. Too funny! Her enthusiasm and love for music are truly heartwarming. My wish for Jayne for the next decade is for her to experience joy, good health, a long life, and an increase in her faith. Akosua Nkwantabisa Monica Ansah-Sam (Williams) 51 The Birthday Journal

Love and Abundant Blessings Happy blessed birthday, my dearest sister and friend, Jayne. Ewuraba, papabi, soft-spoken, warm, pretty, and God-fearing. We thank God for how far He has brought you. Jayne, on this day, I pray for God’s abundant blessings and want you to know that you are deeply loved. May all your secret prayers be answered, and may everyone who encounters you see what I see in you. I love you, baby doll. Babsy. An extraordinary woman Jayne. An extraordinary woman!!! A truly extraordinary woman!! May your next years show us more of your strengths and your triumphs. Plenty love! AHeartwarming Smile I love Jayne’s beautiful smile. It’s incredibly welcoming and heartwarming. I have too many great memories with Jayne to mention a specific one. She’s an exceptionally nice, kind, and giving person, a friend and sister to all. My wish for Jayne for the next decade is filled with much love, blessings, great health, love, peace, joy, happiness, and all that her heart desires. May God’s continuous protection, guidance, direction, and grace be with Jayne, her family, and friends. The Radiance of Authenticity Jayne is beautiful and possesses a sunny personality with the most enchanting smile. I love being around people who radiate positive vibes, and that’s what I love about Jayne. She is always her authentic self. My most recent memory of Jayne was in London in August 2018 when I was spending part of my vacation withMaame Esi. It was my birthday, and to my surprise, Jayne and Maria paid me a visit bearing birthday goodies. Their kind gesture truly touched me, and we spent quality time together, making my birthday incredibly memorable. Such kindness. Jayne, I wish you great health, joy, adventure, success, and lots of hearty laughter in the next decade. May you boldly embrace all the wonders this decade has to offer, and above all, may your heart find peace. Friendship That Never Grows Old One thing I absolutely love about Jayne is how she always brings back fond childhood memories. Whenever we meet, it’s like we never grew up. Love love love Jayne. Jayne and I have a long history, growing up together in Teshie Nungua. We did so many things together. We even had this little habit of seeing each other off after visiting. It started and never ended, with us walking each other halfway home, which made it easier for us to return to our own homes. As for my wish for Jayne in the next decade, it’s simple: I wish her everything good that I wish for myself. May she have peace, happiness, joy, good health, prosperity, and a long and fulfilling life. Babsy Sally-Ann Gyamfi Ashiagbor Claire Afia Appiah Bibi Mensah 52 The Birthday Journal