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Unyielding Determination Humble Beginnings, Contents 07 13 21 29 41 Building a Strong Foundation Corporate and Entrepreneurial Navigation Weaving Family, Finance, Fulfilment Sowing Legacy Seeds 3 The Birthday Journal

“ Walking with my brother to school one morning, our tables on our heads, our chairs in our hands, our feet bare, we travelled the long distance to our new school. Everything seemed strange; a dramatic and shocking change in circumstances. We, who used to be pupils at the prestigious New Era Preparatory School at Tudu, now reduced to this. The difference was clear between our new school, Bethel Primary and Middle School, a public school otherwise known as ‘Saito’, and what we were used to. We were too young to understand, but from the gossip of our older siblings, we learned that our mother was no longer working in the bank, and our father was finding it difficult to make ends meet. It was an unpleasant time indeed for our family. I remember the dread I felt when we changed schools, as I was kind of ostracised by my peers because I came from a wealthier, more refined background. Each time someone suggested leaving me out of a game, or out of a conversation because I was a ‘dada ba’, my little heart would beat with such fear. My desire to be accepted at Bethel Primary and Middle School, and to make friends there was so great, that I would remove my shoes and hide them in my bag, so I would fit in with the many barefoot children that attended it. Even though my skin would recoil each time my clean solesmade contact with the red clayey soil, I hated theway the red dusty particles clung to my well-moisturised feet. It was for that same reason, that I stopped speaking English at school, and resorted to speaking vernacular. Anecdote Each time someone suggested leaving me out of a game, or out of a conversation because I was a ‘dada ba’, my little heart would beat with such fear. We were too young to understand, but from the gossip of our older siblings, we learned that our mother was no longer working in the bank, and our father was finding it difficult to make ends meet. “ 4 The Birthday Journal

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U N Y I E L D I N G D E T E R M I N A T I O N Beginnings, Humble 7 The Birthday Journal

“ My beginnings Born on September 12, 1973, I am undoubtedly a survivor. I am my mother’s determined child, the lone one among her six kids who defied the odds, entering the world in an operating theatre and emerging unscathed. This was during a time, like 1973, when merely hearing the word ‘theatre’ could evoke thoughts of death and funerals. Given those circumstances, my late parents, Gad Kojo Bedzra from Akuetteh-Ando, and VeronicaMansa Kukah fromHo-Bankoe, named me Akpene—a shortened version of ‘Akepenemawu,’ signifying ‘thanks be to God, it’s finally over.’ This name choice aligns withmy resilient nature, which isn’t surprising at all. As far as I can recall, the initial six years of my life were filled with joy. Dad worked at NCR, a leading IT-related computing firm back then, and Mom was employed as a banker at the Bank of Ghana. I have memories of Dad driving us to and from school. We resided in a spacious house in Accra New Town. However, when I was six, a significant event altered our I was quite an independent child, having grown up away from my mother at such a tender age. I learned to do many things by myself. 8 The Birthday Journal

lives dramatically. Following a funeral in her hometown, my mother had an accident while returning. Sadly, she never fully recovered from it, causing her to lose her job. This left my father responsible for the entire family’s support and her medical expenses. Financially burdened, my father struggled, resulting in a drastic downgrade in our living standards. My mother was almost perpetually absent for long periods, visiting spiritual centres in her attempt to find a cure for her many ailments. She did come home a few times, but she never really felt the environment conducive for her. My mother’s absence caused me many anxious nights – the joy I felt whenever she returned home, and then the loneliness that settled in when she had to leave again to seek treatment elsewhere. Dad lessened this burden by taking us to her whenever we had school breaks, something we eagerly anticipated. Not only was it an escape fromour aunties and cousins who piled us with chores, but it was also a chance to impress the village children; after all, we were city children. I was quite an independent child, having grown up away frommy mother at such a tender age. I learned to do many things by myself. Not only was I independent, but I was also very 9 The Birthday Journal

self-motivated, disciplined, and responsible. I would selfstudy every evening without prompting from adults and ensure my homework was completed. In addition, I was very brilliant, easily grasping whatever was taught in class. Little wonder, by the age of thirteen, I had already written and passed my common entrance – a year ahead of my peers at the ‘Saito’ school. 10 The Birthday Journal

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12 The Birthday Journal

Building a Strong Foundation 13 The Birthday Journal

...adhering to set wake-up times, completing tasks promptly, heading to the dining hall – all these routines were unfamiliar. However, I swiftly adapted. “ 14 The Birthday Journal

High School days “Don’t worry, you will be fine,” Papa said as we approached the secondary school where I had been assigned. There it was on the horizon: its prominent green and yellow signboard displaying the words MAWULI SECONDARY SCHOOL. Papa’s voice was reassuring, yet I couldn’t shake off some unease. Would he just leave me with these strangers and return to Accra, leaving me all alone here? How would I manage? My concerns were unnecessary; Mawuli School had a heartwarming tradition of seniors awaiting newcomers to welcome them. They were so tall, almost resembling our parents. They guided us to the dormitory, helped us settle in, and unpacked our belongings. It brought some comfort; at least I felt secure in this new environment. Nonetheless, it didn’t prevent tears from flowing when my father departed. The first few days were tough; adhering to set wake-up times, completing tasks promptly, heading to the dining hall – all these routines were unfamiliar. However, I swiftly adapted. Then came the issue of those towering grasses we had to clear – the ‘stubborn grasses,’ as we eventually labelled them. They seemed to gaze right at us, almost as if they had been deliberately grown, ready to challenge us as soon as we entered school. Perhaps my familiarity with the spoken language of the Volta people, being Ewe myself, helped ease my transition a bit. Mawuli School turned out to be so much fun, and I did not hesitate to join the many societies and groups they had. Firstly, because I had a thing for societies and groups, secondly, because if one was part of a society, they were spared the pains of doing groundwork. So, I joined the Ghana United Nations Students and Youth Association (GUNSA), the school choir, and then the drama group.Myweekends “ Mawuli School turned out to be so much fun, and I did not hesitate to join the many societies and groups they had. 15 The Birthday Journal

“ were extremely busy but I enjoyed those engagements because I met with different people, and the conversation was quite different from the standard classroom work. There was always something to look forward to. Seeing me with my numerous school friends and hearing the many nicknames they had for me, you wouldn’t have thought I was once a tiny and shy girl who started school with fear. 16 The Birthday Journal

Seeing me with my numerous school friends and hearing the many nicknames they had for me, you wouldn’t have thought I was once a tiny and shy girl who started school with fear. Besides having lots of friends, I’d even play ‘teacher’ with them, gathering everyone to teach my favourite subject, Accounting. Another lesson from Mawuli School that I’ve retained till now is the siesta time; it was compulsory, and it provided great refreshment. Hence, in every office I’ve been a part of, I ensure there’s a couch where I can take my power nap. The one thing I didn’t enjoy at Mawuli School was the absence of certain conveniences. We didn’t have running tap water, only boreholes which were tiring to use. Sometimes, when the boreholes dried, we had to go offcampus, walking long distances to find water. Additionally, we had to clean the school’s pigsty as a regular punishment. Uni Having concluded our A-levels a few months prior, there were rumours that the results were now out. In my eagerness, I dashed to school the following day, feeling remarkably confident. I was convinced that my performance would shine across all subjects, particularly in Accounting. After all, wasn’t I the best Accounting student in my form? And hadn’t I taught my schoolmates to such an extent that they understood my lessons more than the teachers? Also, hadn’t I received best student prizes in the subject, during Speech and Prize giving days? I walked briskly into the Admin office, slightly annoyed by the somehow long queue. When it was finally my moment and the secretary I loved Mawuli School for my many friends. Mom compared them to my hair strands – a lot. This description fits me well. I’m not sure if I’m so social because our house was the first stop for our many relatives and friends visiting Accra for the first time, or because Mom was often away, and I was with cousins and aunties. I mean we were so communal that the cooking fire in our house never went off. Then again, maybe I was used to seeing many people at a time, having grown up in highly populated Accra Newtown (known then as Lagos Town). 17 The Birthday Journal

handed me the results, I rapidly skimmed through them, longing to see my ‘A’ in Accounting. I reviewed the results repeatedly, examining the name. Surely, it couldn’t belong to me. Surely, there must be an error somewhere. However, no matter how intently I stared, it unequivocally displayed Suzy Akpene Aku Bedzra, and the score was a ‘D.’ It felt impossible. All of a sudden, weariness washed over me. After the initial shock and sadness, I moved beyond the disappointment. I resolved to focus and rewrite the paper during the Nov/Dec session, eventually achieving a brilliant ‘A.’ The challenge lay in my inability to pursue the courses of my preference – B.A. Administration at the University of Ghana, B. Commerce at the University of Cape Coast, or Social Sciences at Kwame Nkrumah’s University of Science and Technology.Thiswasdue toeithernot meeting the cutoff or presenting two different A-Level results. However, I eventually enrolled in Economics and Sociology at the University of Cape Coast (Capevars) in 1995. During my time at the university, my room was a popular gathering spot for friends due to the constant availability of food. I also forged lasting friendships, particularly with Vera Ofori and Kukuwah Amoah, who have remained close to me. I joined the Oguaa Hall Cadet Corp and took part in an acapella and traditional African dance during a 1996 Oguaa Hall Celebration to get better room allocation. As a result, I was one of the few first-year students placed in a room with only one other student. I still remember the acapella performance of the 90s classic pop song “Twisted” by Keith Sweat, sung by Anthea Amoah, Victoria Cobbah, Vera Ofori, and myself. Capevars in 1995was a lot of fun. Our batch was the first group of young students, as previous intakes were mostly adults with families. We were a disruptive bunch, enjoying our time on campus, but not well-liked by the older students. This was also the year when a Diploma in Education was no longer mandatory. Most of us pursued BSc degrees and completed university in three years instead of four. Today, as an adjunct lecturer at Central University, I wish I had learnedmore about preparing lecture notes, teaching, and creating exam questions and marking schemes. 18 The Birthday Journal

As I cast my mind back to the early chapters of my sister Akpene’s life, a mosaic of cherished memories and shared escapades comes alive. These recollections, like the pieces of a puzzle, form the bedrock of the unbreakable bond we’ve sculpted over time. Rewinding to the 1980s, we were just a couple of kids maneuvering the vibrant streets of Accra. One day, etched in memory, stands out. A day when circumstances turned against us, and yet our spirit remained unyielding. Armed with sheer determination and a simple idea, we transformed plain tap water into our innovative “ice water.” Akpene carried the water with grace as I balanced the cups, and together, we embarked on a journey that transformed our hunger into triumph. From the heart of Accra Newtown to the bustling MallamAtta market, we peddled our creation, selling every drop and pocketing 16 cedis. With that hard-earned currency, we purchased groceries, rustled up a hearty dinner, and as stars lit up the night, we slept with a conviction that we could conquer the world. Amidst the grand achievements, it was the little joys that painted our days with color. I’d eagerly await Akpene’s return fromMawuli School, anticipating the joy that her bright smile brought. That smile, etched forever in my heart, was a testament to the enduring power of sibling affection. Our childhood was a canvas splashed with mischief. The details remain known only to us, but the laughter and camaraderie from those escapades linger. Akpene’s mischievous spirit was a badge of honor, a testament to her adventurous soul. Even in those formative years, her brilliance shone. Akpene’s numerical prowess was akin to magic, performing intricate calculations with her signature head bob. Her graceful wisdom in navigating family dynamics struck me deeply. She had a knack for sidestepping needless disputes, choosing harmony over petty disagreements. It showcased not just her intellect but her profound understanding of human relationships. As I cast a final glance, I see the tapestry of our shared history weaving love, laughter, and unwavering strength. Our parents’ adoration and celebration of Akpene’s milestones were wellearned, for she’d always been the pillar of grace and strength in our family. From those nascent “ice water” days to life’s intricate tapestry, I watched her evolve into the remarkable woman she is today. Through the lens of her journey, from humble beginnings to indomitable will, I’m reminded of the profound influence siblings wield. Akpene’s story stands as a tribute to the might of familial ties, the unwavering backing that propels dreams, and the love that shapes destinies. As we continue down her narrative path, her corporate voyage beckoning, I anticipate witnessing how the foundations we forged together will continue to steer her forward. A Brother’s Reflections M A K A F U I J O H N B E D Z R A 19 The Birthday Journal

Corporate and Entrepreneurial Na v i g a t i o n 20 The Birthday Journal

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Working girl During university breaks, I consistently engaged in work. A yearlong university lecturer strike led to me working throughout. I completed my National Service at GUNSA and had a stint at Altimate Publications. Whenever university holidays aligned with Trade Fair exhibitions, I secured a spot with an exhibitor. As a result, I accumulated work experience before completing my university and national service commitments. As I mentioned, I’m a people person. My husband calls me gregarious, which is fine because my fondness for people brings its own benefits: strong communication, networking, problem-solving skills, empathy, charisma, and quick learning. People also find me approachable. Combine these with my deep interest and knowledge in investment banking – something I grew passionate about over time – and you get a capable investment banker. My journey in investment banking began at Databank, where I worked for a few years. Seeking greater achievements, I moved on to Oak Partners as the ‘Principal in Charge of Wealth Management.’ Here, I served high-net-worth clients seeking investment opportunities. However, with time, these clients desired the security of a regulated institution, a category Oak Partners didn’t belong to due to its status as a private and unregulated company. I was developing a new interest in investments and fund management, inclining towards wealth management due to clients seeking more than just investments. 22 The Birthday Journal

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I decided to enhance my knowledge by returning to school, enrolling at Walden University in the United States for a Business Administration doctorate. During my DBA studies, I launched my own investment firm, OctaneSD, which performed well in its initial year. However, I initially owned OctaneSD alone, causing key person risk. To address this, I involved my husband but realised it created a husband-and-wife business risk. To manage this, we sought an independent shareholder and introduced an independent presence on the Board, creating a more stable structure. With around fourteen clients, things were going well until 2018’s Financial Sector cleanup hit us hard. Client funds were stuck due to institutions losing licences. In 2019, a chance emerged to merge resources with Dalex Capital, specialising in retail mutual funds while I focused on high-net-wealth individuals. The merger led to a name change from OctaneSD to OctaneDC. Just over three years later, the Financial Market faced fresh challenges: Debt exchange programs, uncertainty with the IMF, and more. The debt exchange program severely affected the capital markets where my clients’ funds were invested, leading to their funds getting stuck once more. Amid ongoing expenses and stricter regulations demanding stronger capital and market relevance, there was no sustainable business. Consequently, by the end of 2022, I had no option but to close down. 24 The Birthday Journal

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Learn About Money: Knowledge empowers. Familiarize yourself with Accounting and Economics basics. Understand basic money concepts and how to keep track of your finances. Save and Invest: Differentiate between savings and investments early on. When you open a savings or current account, also initiate an investment account. Grow Your Money: Don’t let excess cash lie dormant. Put it to work. Build a diverse investment portfolio comprising at least five, ideally ten, different assets. Take Care of Your Wealth: Consistently assess and reevaluate your portfolio. Take new positions, fortify existing ones, and divest from older ones. Keep an eye on your investments and make changes when needed. Leave a Lasting Impact: Don’t forget to give back. Share your success by helping others. This can also help your wealth grow. Remember, the road to wealth lies in investment. Investment starts with saving. Once wealth is created, managing and augmenting it through professional wealth management is vital. Seek guidance from experts in wealth creation and management to steer your financial journey. 1 2 3 4 5 Dr Suzy’s 5 fundamental steps to wealth creation 26 The Birthday Journal

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Weaving Family, Finance, Fulfilment 29 The Birthday Journal

Back in 1998, my path crossed with Suzy’s when I brought her on board for a project at PwC. Despite her petite stature, Suzy’s elegant style caught my attention right away. We worked closely for about three to four months, and our connection grew strong. As the project ended, I found myself seeking reasons to keep in touch, and that’s when something special began. Suzy’s lively personality was quite different frommy reserved nature. She effortlessly made friends, which was both admirable and, at times, a source of tension as her social life took precedence. Approximately four years flew by since the day Suzy and I first crossed paths. Our journey brought us to a significant moment – our traditional marriage. It was a time of celebration, marking the beginning of a new chapter that held countless adventures waiting to unfold. As the seasons changed, our family evolved. We welcomed the sweet arrivals that added new dimensions to our lives. In 2006, our world was graced with the presence of Whitney-Davina Naniki Tornyeli. Two years later, in 2008, our hearts grew as Shiromi-Zoe Nanikuor Akpene joined us. And in 2014, Placido Buer Nuna completed our family. Despite Suzy’s initial concerns about our age difference and my previous family, maturity became a cornerstone of our relationship. Suzy highlighted, “My husband’s maturity, career progress, intellect, and life experience played a pivotal role. He not only brought valuable experience but also devoted himself to my personal, professional, and spiritual growth. His academic position 30 The Birthday Journal Love Through Bill’s Lenses

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fortified his support, aligning seamlessly with my career.” “Moreover, his prior marriage and experience proved advantageous. He navigated marriage and parenting adeptly, making the arrival of our first daughter, Whitney, smoother. While I grappled with diaper changes, he excelled.” After our marriage, we faced personal challenges linked to her relatively younger age. She craved youthful activities like wearing miniskirts and engaging in extensive socializing with friends. Initially, these contrasts posed challenges for me, but over time, we’ve adeptly balanced our differences, making necessary adjustments along the way. Among Suzy’s many accomplishments, her ability to balance a thriving career, raise our three kids, and complete her DBA stands out. In the initial years of our marriage, Suzy managed her ACCA exams, her career, wifely responsibilities, and pregnancy simultaneously. Additionally, she impressively served as the Accountant for my Management Consulting Firm, PsyconHR. Over the years, Suzy aimed to achieve big things with a touch of aesthetics. Her dreamwas to own a business and explore various ventures, moving beyond the usual role of a Chartered Accountant. When not working, Suzy found joy in travel, music, spending time with friends, and, of course, shopping. Her sense of humor shone even during tough times, a testament to her strength. When stress hit, Suzy’s approach was straightforward – quiet contemplation or a good rest. Family and relationships mattered deeply, though she also loved new experiences. Finding the balance wasn’t always easy, but she faced it head-on with her dynamic personality. Her school years at Mawuli shaped her, and our marriage prompted her to see life differently. The absence and challenges faced by her mother also left a mark, influencing her values. Suzy’s legacy is simple – she wants to be remembered as a spirited individual who uses her talents to create opportunities and organize events for others. A lady of style who embraced life fully, making an impact that went beyond the ordinary. 32 The Birthday Journal

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So here’s to the ultimate supermom, a blend of rockstar, comedian, and life coach. Full of Energy: Hold on tight, because Mom brings the party wherever she goes! Her lively and playful nature lights up every room she enters. Seriously, she’s like an instant mood lifter. Unforgettable Memories: Remember that epic time whenMom joined us kids for an intense game of ampe? And those legendary “girl time” outings filled with shopping sprees and ice cream feasts? It was like our very own version of the perfect day. Mom’s Catchphrases: Can you believe it? Mom has this hilarious nickname for Whitney – ‘drama queen.’ “Yep, I admit it, and I definitely inherited that from her! It’s like our special inside joke that never gets old.” Joy Expert: Mom’s happiness headquarters? Spending quality time with the family and hanging out with her squad of friends. But when work gets tough, she’s not exactly dancing in the rainbow. And guess what?Whitney is the master of making her burst into laughter. Who knew sis had such comedic talents? Celebrity Twin: Drumroll, please! If Mom could trade lives with a celebrity, it would hands down be Rihanna. The fiery passion for the color red? Check. The bold attitude? Double check. It’s like RiRi’s got some serious competition in the fabulousness department. Achievements to Applaud: Let’s give it up for Mom’s incredible achievements! Starting her own business and making remarkable moves to keep it thriving? Total mic drop moments. She’s like a business ninja, and I couldn’t be prouder. Endless Inspiration: Mom is the ultimate source of inspiration. Her unwavering determination, public speaking prowess, and constant drive for self-improvement are aweinspiring. She’s leveling up like a true pro! Writing Her Legacy: Brace yourselves – Mom is penning her very own biography, and it’s a game changer! From the first draft to the final countdown for printing and publishing, she’s an unstoppable force. Happy 50th,Mom – you’re the life of the party, the laughter conductor, and the reigning queen of our hearts. Here’s to countless more years of pure awesomeness! Cheers to the Ultimate Supermom! Whitney, Shiromi, and Placido 34 The Birthday Journal

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Sowing Legacy Seeds 41 The Birthday Journal

Woven I hurried into my study, finding a large brown carton sealed tightly with brown cello tape on the table. A mix of excitement and nostalgia coursed through me as I touched the carton. I hesitated, torn between the urge to open it and uncertainty. Inside were the published copies of my new book, ‘Woven.’ With care, I peeled off the cello tape and opened the box. There they lay – stunning, glossy copies of my inaugural artistic creation. Two tears of joy trickled down my cheeks as I selected a book and cradled it as if it were my own child. In a way, it was; I had brought it into existence, after all. ‘Woven,’ set to launch in September, began as a simple undertaking in Toastmasters. It was a project on the Innovative Planning Path, where we were tasked with establishing and sustaining an engaging blog. Originally planned for two months, the project gained momentum far beyond my expectations. By the time I finished, I had amassed a substantial following on WordPress. The response was not only overwhelming, but the number of followers skyrocketed. That’s when the idea to formalise it dawned on me. I committed to weekly blogging, addressing relatable subjects like career growth, personal development, transformation, investing, mentoring, andmore – all based onmy personal experiences. Soon, my assistant, Evans, suggested transforming the compiled blog posts into a book. It involved significant effort, rewriting several posts and shaping them into a coherent book. It’s been three years since the book’s inception, and holding physical copies now feels incredibly rewarding. One of my cherished blog posts is titled ‘I Love You, I Miss You.’ It revolves around the concept that people sometimes leave relationships only to realise they should have stayed. Often, a lack of courage and communication, along with a tendency to focus on flaws, leads one partner to decide that it’s time to leave. Unfortunately, some of these stories don’t conclude favourably, and soon enough, the partner who left wishes to return. 42 The Birthday Journal

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I’ve taken these lessons to heart even in my marriage. I focus on the eighty percent that’s working wonderfully while addressing the twenty percent that needs attention. This perspective guides me, reminding me to value what’s going well and work on what truly matters. Throughout the years, my connection with God has deepened. Raised in the Catholic Church,Iwasbaptised,attendedcatechism, and received my first communion there. As my husband is charismatic, I transitioned to the Charismatic Church alongside him. We’re part of The Eagle Center for International Ministries (TECIM). God is nowwoven into every aspect of my life. Not a day goes by without me speaking to Him. Past Times I have a strong passion for travelling. Before our children came into the picture, we used to travel frequently – twice a year, in January and July. However, once the kids arrived, our travel frequency reduced significantly. We attempted it when Whitney turned five, but the experience was too exhausting with young children in tow. I truly miss the excitement of exploring new cities and wandering the world. It’s a feeling I yearn to rekindle. Beliefs I firmly believe in executing tasks with excellence when they are to be undertaken. I illustrated this perspective through a story shared in one of my blog posts. One day, I received an appointment from the Ghana Investment Security Institute to serve as a facilitator for their program. My excitement was so profound that I wrote about it in my blog. This post led me to connect with a coaching group comprising female CEOs. Unexpectedly, significant opportunities emerged from this single act of sharing a success story. My intention was simply to highlight the importance of aspiring and pursuing dreams in effective ways. By sharing this experience, I unknowingly paved the way for greater possibilities. This unassuming action ultimately opened doors for me, leading to my role as a Board member of the African Visionary Fund. As a result, I frequently receive requests to nominate organisations for funding consideration from the global fund. Passions Sitting in the cosy comfort of my client’s living room, admiring some exotic sculptures, I watched as their dining table began to fill with assorted snacks and fruit juices. Soon there was this delicious smell of pastries and the tangy smell of fruits filling the room. I watched in pleasure as she came to sit beside me, assuring me that there would be more people, and sure enough, soon her husband, her three adult sons and two teenage daughters, her brothers-in-law and their wives, her cousins and nephews in Junior high school, and her best friend took up almost all the space. There were about twelve of them in all, and a happy, boisterous bunch. I couldn’t wait to start my presentation. Combining my ability to socialise, with the passion I had 45 The Birthday Journal

for wealth creation and management, I developed this new model, where I hold informal but educational training sessions for entire families. This was my second class since I started. This model involves meeting with interested families over a day, in their home, or location of their choice. Everybody in their family; husband, wife, children, cousins, inlaws, are invited. These sessions serve as a platform for raising awareness, primarily aimed at educating people about wealth creation and management. I often delve into the topic of financial independence, particularly concerning women. I believe that my financial independence has been pivotal in shaping who I am in my marriage and enabling me to voice my thoughts. I owe a great deal of credit to Toastmasters, which has significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth, bolstering my confidence to the point where I can confidently address any audience. Witnessing the positive impact of these sessions on people’s lives fills me with delight. Current Pursuits and Future Goals Back inmy days atMawuli School, when I gathered friends and taught them, little did I realise I was honing a skill for the future. Today, teaching has become a big part of my life. I’man Associate and facilitator at the Ghana Institute of Securities and Investments, lecturing in foundation and professional-level wealth management programs. Additionally, I’m an adjunct lecturer at Central University, teaching Investment Management at the 300 level. Looking ahead, I don’t see myself fitting into a conventional 9-to-5 organisation. Instead, I envision being on multiple boards, overseeing significant projects and funds, and being the trusted advisor for discussions on wealth creation and management. For now, I aim to engage more, enjoy retreats and vacations with loved ones. My circle of friends is vast, a testament to what my mom used to say – they’re like the strands of my hair, too numerous to count. Dr. Suzy Aku Puplampu “ME” Time A place I find peace, self-love, and rejuvenation. A year this month, I had to spend 2 days away from home on a self-retreat to draw up my life plan for the next 10 years. I found this to be a difficult task but i had results. As observed, regular uninterrupted “me” time helps us to unplug and unwind. Find the time and get away, because ‘Me’ time works. #Suxy@50 46 The Birthday Journal

47 The Birthday Journal

Hephzibah Dr. Suzy, Knowing you is a blessing. You’re phenomenal, with experiences, wisdom, and a good heart. As my mentor, you’ve been a mother, aunt, and sister. Your interactions inspire me. Thank you for opening your doors during my Toastmasters speech, connecting me to people, and providing opportunities. Your care, guidance, and advice mean so much. Your presence fuels my growth. In your golden age, I wish you grace, favor, peace, long life, and dream fulfillment. Happy 50th, Dr. Suzy! Love youuuuuuuu! THEMENTEES Celestine Darko I’m tempted to write a whole book, but I’ll keep it crisp. She’ll support you if you need a little push from her. She’ll quickly share and comment if you don’t post about yourself. She’ll provide immediate help if you confide in her. Dr. Suzy is one of a kind, a blessing in one’s space. Her presence adds flair, flawlessness, and impact to everything. Thrilled to join the world in celebrating her today. Happy 50th birthday, Dr. Suzy Aku Akpene Puplampu! ❤️ May the Lord continue to favor and elevate you. May your impact reach the old and young. May God prosper all that concerns you. May your heartfelt desires be granted at 50 today ❤ ️ Enjoy your birthday and keep being the boss lady! Erika Where do I start? Dr. Suzy, you’re truly special, radiating beauty inside and out, with genuine sweetness as a gift. I’ll always remember sharing my Icebreaker speech with you. You encouraged me and shared your experience, sparking my speech inspiration. You’ve been a steady customer of my mom’s smoked dried fish business since discovering it through my speech. Your support means the world. Your impeccable style is beyond words. And those hugs match your sweet personality perfectly. I could go on praising you. You’re an incredible inspiration, making me believe a woman can do it all. Happy birthday, my forever Mentor❤️ God bless you on every side. With love, Erika ❤️ Papa Arkhurst Well Wishes The one thing I love about you, Dr. Suzy, is that you're a go-getter and full of fire; once you commit, you're onboard and fiercely loyal. My best memories with you include lots of Toastmasters moments and other fun activities, working and partying together, as well as trips to Togo, Ghana, and various enjoyable group hangouts. Best wishes for you, Dr. Suzy: Keep growing, and show the world you're a queen and a role model!

Dr. Sue, comme un bon vin, il paraît qu’on se bonifie avec le temps. Alors pour tes 50ans et cette nouvelle décennie qui débute, on te souhaite qu’il en reste encore 50 et que ces 50 soient une nouvelle étape dans une vie très riche, luxueuse, en toute sérénité et en pleine figure. Joyeux anniversaire et santé !!! Aku, Seeing you stroll across the room, I noticed your mini jeans skirt, neatly tucked-in shirt, and woven handbag. I mused to myself, “Who brings a basket to lectures?” Then I returned to my business. Suddenly, a presence lingered at my desk. Raising my head, I heard, “Hello, I’m Suzy! And you?” Back in 1995, during the first year of university’s Africa Studies lecture, our beautiful friendship began. It’s now spanned 2.8 decades and continues! I love you, respect you, and cherish our time together. I’m genuine around you, even silly at times. I tease you when you’re too intense about something. Honestly, I think I’ve enjoyed our friendship more than you have enjoyed mine! In the last 3 years, you’ve become my morning routine. Most days, you’re my last text before sleep and my first chat in the morning, especially for our early walks. May the Lord protect and preserve you with health and prosperity in Jesus’ name, Amen. Happy birthday, Boss Lady 1! Cheers to progress, peace, and success in the next 365 days and beyond. Enjoy your day and His goodness. Wishing you 365 days of mercy, health, and life. Kukua and Vera OMSU 1990 Happy birthday, our wonderful Boss Lady Su! Your special day is here, and we’re all celebrating with you. May this day overflow with joy and happiness, reflecting the vibrant spirit you bring to all of us. As you embark on this new chapter, may your endeavors be fruitful, and your health remain strong. You’ve touched each of us with your warmth, wisdom, and guidance, and for that, we’re truly grateful. To you, Suzy, we wish the very best! Your journey ahead is bound to be filled with even greater achievements and remarkable experiences. As you embrace this milestone, know that we stand by you, sending our love and blessings your way. With warmwishes from all of us. Abby Miche Vera Odonkor Happy birthday, Aku B! Have a wonderful day. May His goodness surround you. Here’s to 365 days of His mercy, good health, and a long life.

Pearl Dear Dr. Suzy, My wonderful mentor, mummy, advisor, and an excellent example of a never-aging role model. Today is your 50th, and I can’t help but appreciate you. You’ve been more than instrumental regarding the progress I have made in my life. You’ve constantly given me the gift of your time and a listening ear, hearing all my complaints but guiding me away from breaking down to rising up. I am forever grateful to you, and your praise shall forever be on my lips. I love you, and I wish you many more years of laughter and more Louboutin heels in your closet. Seyram Bekoe Dear Dr. Suzy, Your ambition, drive, and achievements in the corporate world inspire me as a woman to strive for the best and reach for the stars. Thanks to you, I had the chance to be a part of Toastmasters International, learning and realizing my potential as a speaker through practice and hard work. Happy Golden Jubilee! Can’t wait to see the fantastic things you’ll do next! ❤️ ❤️ Esinam Dr. Suzy @50 Becoming a mentee to Auntie Suzy was a uniquely memorable experience. Unlike most mentor-mentee relationships that can be formal and rigid, this was different. Her engaging, easy-going, and “youthful” approach stood out. From scenic drives to mountain views in Aburi to relaxing dinners, she cared not just about my career, education, and finances, but also my well-being as a young woman. This investment in my life was truly exceptional. I’m deeply grateful for the guidance and wisdom you’ve shared. Happy 50th birthday, Dr. Suzy, and may blessings continue to follow you! Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers (sisters) to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil [of consecration] poured on the head, Coming down on the beard, Even the beard of Aaron, Coming down upon the edge of his [priestly] robes [consecrating the whole body]. It is like the dew of [Mount] Hermon Coming down on the hills of Zion; For there the Lord has commanded the blessing: life forevermore. Psalms 133:13 AMP Loving Aku Akpene Suzy is so easy. We fell in love at “hello” . Your husband knows not to interfere when I am around. My dear Dr. SUZY, on this your birthday, I open you up to receive all that heaven has programmed for you. No gift will be left on the table. As the oil on the head of Aaron flows from his head all the way down, the blessings upon your life will flow to all who associate with you. Never lose your sense of wonder and continue to expand. Eyes will see, and ears will hear all that God has prepared for you. Happy, happy, happy, glorious ✨️ birthday. Enjoy the new age and new year full throttle. Amen and amen. I love you seriously Dr. Delasi Agbozo My Aku!!!! Happy 50th!!! Thank you for showing us how it’s done, yet again. I appreciate you in many ways. May your path always be filled with love and light. I love you. Akua Owusu Nartey 50 The Birthday Journal

Helena Naa sarkor Happy 50th birthday, Sue! Your resourcefulness and ability to get things done are remarkable. You face challenges with determination and tenacity. Be it events, projects, or life’s complexities, no challenge is too big. Your dedication and pursuit of excellence impact many. On this special day, know howmuch I admire your resourcefulness. Happy 50th birthday, girlfriend! Maa Naa Happy 50th birthday, Suzy! Your unwavering loyalty and selflessness have always been sources of inspiration. Regardless of the challenges, you give your all with dedication and tenacity. Reflecting on your journey, I couldn’t be prouder of how far you’ve come. May this milestone birthday serve as a reminder of your incredible accomplishments and a celebration of the amazing person you are. Cheers to you, Suzy! Deila How does one adequately describe a ray of sunlight, the burst of color in a field of flowers, or a piece of the rainbow? That is my friend Sue, who is now turning 50. From those eternally red lips, spontaneous laughter, and extraordinarily high shoes... Sue has always been colorful. So, on your 50th, this amazing milestone, I wish you even more of that joie de vivre, that sparkle, that ability to embrace life and all its curveballs and joys. I wish you laughter that comes deep from the belly. I wish you more love than your heart can contain. Above all, I wish you God, our All in All, the perfect perfector and finisher of our faith. Keep shining, my friend. Congratulations! Earl Happy Birthday, Aku Suzy. You have worked exceptionally hard in life, and with the grace of the Lord, you have achieved heights that many aspire to. You instantly bring joy and laughter to every occasion as you swing through, perfectly matched with your trademark red lipstick and glasses. You freely share your widely acquired knowledge, expertise, and experience to the benefit of all with so much ease and flair. You are simply a good woman and a grand friend. God bless and have a blast! The Databank Squad Azikmah Happy 50th birthday, Sue! This conveys my deep gratitude for your kind heart and constant laughter that brightens our lives, even in challenges. You’re a light, spreading warmth and compassion. Finding joy amid adversity is truly remarkable. Your smile and laughter uplift and remind us to persevere. Thanks for always being there. Here’s to more adventures, joyful moments, and cherished friendships. Cheers to you and a bright future! 51 The Birthday Journal

We first encountered Dr. Suzy in 2015 when we started the Doctorate in Business Administration degree. We quickly experienced her vivacious and magnetic personality, filled with laughter. Suzy, passionately known to us as the ‘Accra Queen’, a title bestowed on such a well-deserving person, quickly demonstrated her leadership qualities by taking charge of the cohort, creating aWhatsApp group, currently referred to as our ‘Fambaly’, coined by one of our cohort members because we truly consider each other family. Suzy, we thank you for your leadership and appreciate how you knitted this cohort from inception and kept the bond together. You’ve been a source of support, guidance, and friendship throughout our Walden journey, always offering a helping hand to your fellow cohort friends in need. You consistently demonstrated your desire to see everyone succeed in graduation, even offering to postpone your graduation to wait for one of us. Such a selfless act, but that’s who you are, always sacrificing for one of your Walden Fambaly. We consider you a special sister and continue to cherish your friendship. So Suzy, Accra Queen, we all could not be there in person to celebrate this milestone with you, but we are honored to celebrate with you in spirit from across the globe. Let the party begin. Welcome to the 5th floor. Enter with indulgence. Raise your glass and dance like nobody’s watching, and may this day be filled with laughter and happiness. As you enter this new phase of life, may lines fall in pleasant places for you. May your smile grow broader as your joy gets deeper, and may you continue to experience love, great health, and prosperity. We wish God’s abundant blessings in your life as you continue to inspire and touch the lives of others around you. Age with grace and fulfill your divine destiny. Cheers to another 50 years of endless adventure! Happy birthday, Accra Queen! ❤ Walden Cohort Martha Eleesi Adzo Bonsi My girlfriend Suzy, also known as Amenorvi Sue, my amazing sister from another mother! One of the best parts of life is friendship, and your friendship is one of the biggest blessings in my life. I’m so grateful that God brought us together! Best friends are the family you get to choose, and I’m so grateful we chose each other. Life is more fun when we’re together. I love that we can always pick up right where we left off. Thanks for being my friend. Wishing you blessings as you take another step in your journey of life. Here’s to hoping that your special day is blessed with all the goodness you put into the world. Happy birthday to the woman with a heart bigger than anyone I know. As we look to celebrate your birthday, I hope you see yourself the way I see you: gorgeous, kind, smart, funny, compassionate, and all-around amazing! Happy Golden 50th birthday to someone truly special. God bless! My dearest Dr. Suzy, Your infectious joie de vivre attitude brightens every room you enter. I’ve always admired your enthusiasm for life. Our Toastmasters trip to Lome is a cherished memory, and I hope for more adventures like that. May you continue to age like fine wine, with laughter, love, and joy. Happy Birthday!!! Adwoa Odoom She’s the boss lady, connector, people person, affable mentor, and friend! You’ll go far, Dr. S. Bless you, and happy 50th! ❤️ Dr. Loretta 52 The Birthday Journal

Dorothy Dearest Aku B! Humble, kind, down-to-earth, stylish, youthful at heart, spirited, and contagiously enthusiastic! I’m glad God added you to the world’s population in my lifetime because you are one of a kind. You have been a corporate bestie extraordinaire, compassionate big-sister counselor, and a mischievous partner-in-crime. I appreciate the countless moments we’ve shared… from the laughter-filled adventures that would make even James Bond envious, to spontaneous outings, and heartfelt conversations. These have been enriching. Today, I raise a joyful toast to you as we celebrate this incredible milestone — your 50th! May the next chapter of your jubilee be filled with abundant joy & laughter, wisdom, bounteous blessings, and infinite open doors. Live and love life with enthusiasm as always, cherish every moment, whether it be a mountaintop or a valley, but more importantly, love God the most! Prioritize Him above all. AllowHis light and truth to illuminate your path and may you always be enveloped in His love and protection. Never forget that God’s plans for your life are to prosper you, to give you hope, and to lead you into a bright future (Jeremiah 29:11). Live a long and fulfilling life, my dear! Flourish! And enjoy excellent health, in Jesus’ Name. Amen! Annabel Dear Akpene, When it comes to you, I believe the statement that true friends are like diamonds—bright, beautiful, valuable, and always in style. Happy birthday, my dear friend. May the bright colors you’ve chosen to celebrate with paint your life, and may you be happy forever. May the gold in this jubilee remind you of your value in the Lord’s sight. Stay blessed. Dearest Suzy, to say God bless you will be an understatement, as you are already blessed beyond measure You are a friend and a sister, I love you because you are genuine, real to the core, and have no time to beat about the bush. You are a friend and a sister in all seasons. I am so proud of you, my darling, keep soaring. May the Good Lord continue to order your steps and fulfill your purpose to the ultimate dimension in Jesus’ Name Shalom I Love you, Liz Glorious Golden Jubilee Darling Suzy, I thank God for the gift of life and your new age. Your strength is inspiring, and I pray that your new age is filled with joy, great health, and prosperity. As you continue to bring smiles to our faces, may all your wishes and heart’s desires come true. Looking forward to celebrating many more birthdays together. Happy birthday, my dear friend. Elizabeth Odame Belinda Dede Tandoh Afrakomah Suzy, I'll never forget that day in Texas when we went shopping together. I hesitated to buy those 4-inch high heels, unsure if I could handle them. But your fearless spirit and support pushed me out of my comfort zone. Your encouragement, motivation, and positivity have been a lifeline for me. As you mark your 50th birthday, I wish you even bigger dreams to chase. May the next chapter of your life be filled with boundless joy and success. 53 The Birthday Journal

54 The Birthday Journal

Happy 50th birthday, my dearest friend! You’re not 50; you’re 18 with 32 years of experience. Today, we celebrate a milestone of an incredible woman. It’s a celebration of the beautiful moments you’ve cherished together as friends and an opportunity to look forward to the wonderful adventures that still lie ahead. I am excited to witness all the amazing things you have achieved. I always admire your intentionality and aspirations. You never stop aiming high! May your heart be filled with happiness and contentment. May your dreams continue to unfold, and may each day be more fulfilling than the last. Thank you for being my best friend and confidante. Our bond is unbreakable, and I treasure every moment we’ve shared together. With love and heartfelt wishes, Happy Birthday, Su,!!! Patricia Our friendship, born 35 years ago at Mawuli School, has been an incredible journey. As you mark this significant chapter, know howmuch I value our bond. You are undeniably amazing and phenomenally phenomenal, as Maya Angelou would say. Your intentional approach to friendship is inspiring. Thank you for being that listening ear, the real and non-judgmental presence. I cherish our spontaneous meetups, fun trips, and your constant reminder of life’s fleeting nature. Jennifer and I treasure moments spent with you, laughing carefreely. Here’s to more joyful times ahead! On this day, my prayer is for the Lord to fulfill every desire of your heart, and may the next chapter overflow with abundant blessings. So rock those high heels and red lipstick, and cheers to an amazing friend! Jennifer Akude Akpene, you’re a great woman, sister, and friend. When we met in 1985, I knew you’d always be a part of my life. I admire your kindness, thoughtfulness, fun personality, fashion taste, and caring heart. You’re one of life’s greatest treasures to me! Today, I celebrate you! May God bless your path, and may the new year bring abundance of blessings! I love and cherish you today and always. Cheers to more fun times. Best wishes on your birthday! Joseph Afedo Your intelligence and smartness have always impressed me. But what I truly admire is how you remain composed and attentive even when things are tough. Your calming presence is a blessing. As you celebrate another year, my wish for you is to continue growing in wisdom and experiencing a life filled with love and blessings. Dr. Suzy!!!! Your resilient laughter in the face of adversity is both infectious and uplifting. I fondly recall the morning we shared a hearty laugh over a message mix-up, a memory that always brings a smile to my face. As you step into the next chapter, my heartfelt wish for you is to experience unwavering peace, boundless love, abounding joy, and the unshakeable strength that comes from your faith. May your business and social ventures be crowned with resounding success. M Harry Yamson Brigitte Mensah 55 The Birthday Journal